Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Diagnosis and data gathering based on a case study Peppercorn Dining

Diagnosis and data gathering based on a Peppercorn Dining - Case Study Example The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. This was appropriate variable in collecting and summarizing data that was used in analyzing about to analyze the organizational development and change of Peppercorn Dining and some mitigation measures necessary. As a result, the qualitative and quantitative research methods ensured reliability and credibility of the results. The design is also suitable because it gives an in-depth description of the phenomena in their existing setting. This fits well with the hotel staff who participated in the study while in their respective duties. Descriptive survey was also preferred because it is economical in collecting data from over a large sample with high data turn over. Data collection process Mark Tap consultants were assigned the duty of collecting the data in order to improve on how Peppercorn Dinning operates concerning their development and change. In their quest to obtain the needed data, the consultants will issue question naires to staff members and managers. Sample Selection The selection will be based on randomization principle, which is a procedure of giving every subject in a population an equal chance of appearing in the selection. Stratified random sampling will be used to select the sample population. After which, simple random sampling will be used to get the required the desired sample. Data analysis Data Analysis procedure The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Open coding was used to initially name and categorize the data, and selective coding was used to develop a more general framework. The study used frequency count, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of variables. The hypotheses formulated for the study tested using logistic regression. Quantitative data analysis was done to generate frequencies percentages and means. The resulting quantitative data will then be interpreted using simple statistical method. The questionnaires were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The data collected through questionnaire was classified on the basis of common attributes then tallied to obtain statistical frequencies, tabulated and finally analyzed using descriptive statistics. This helped to collapse large volume of quantitative data in numerical form for ease of statistical interpretation. Besides this, the ANOVA test was applied to find the significance difference among the opinions of different categories of the respondents. The qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions and interview protocols was analyzed by placing the responses into identical categories as described in NVivo software used for analyzing qualitative research data. Besides frequencies, the opinions of the respondents will be calculated into percentage. Interviews and observation Peppercorn Dinning has not embraced professionalism, in that anyone is assign to do a given chore on the basis of who come s first. It is disappointing to note that those who merit to be in finance, marketing and technological sections are thrown away to manual work such as cooking and cleaning. This was triggered by the fact that the students were allowed to seek for employment in Peppercorn Dinning with their academic qualifications notwithstanding. The academic qualification of the organization had not attained the proper skills the hire

Monday, October 28, 2019

Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment Essay Example for Free

Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment Essay The learning theory of attachment focuses of two concepts; operant and classical conditioning. Classical conditioning as an explanation for attachment describes the baby receiving food (and unconditioned stimulus) and producing an unconditioned response (happiness) and the mother feeding the baby will be the neutral stimulus. The baby will then experience the mother giving them food (and therefore happiness) a number of times and then learn to associate the mother (now a conditioned stimulus) with the feeling of happiness (a conditioned response) and thus an attachment will form. Operant conditioning describes attachment as a reinforced response. When a baby gets food its discomfort will become happiness and the baby will associate this feeling with food and therefore food will become the primary reinforcer. The person feeding the baby will also be associated with the happiness and therefore become the secondary reinforcer and an attachment will form. (evaluate) Even though the learning theory of attachment provides an adequate explanation of attachment it is flawed. Research evidence, such as that of Harlows monkey study, opposes the idea of learning theory as an explanation of attachment. Harlows monkey study involved giving a baby monkey the choice of either food or comfort (food was portrayed by a wire monkey with a feeding bottle attached to it and comfort was portrayed by a wire monkey covered in cloth). According to the learning theory of attachment the monkey should have spent most of his time on the food monkey, however the opposite was true the monkey spent the majority of his time on the comfort monkey. This decreases the validity of the learning theory of attachment as an explanation for attachment because the findings of Harlows monkey study opposed what it suggested. However, the monkey study was conducted on monkeys and it could be argued that this is not an accurate representation of human attachment. Humans are a lot more c omplex than animals and so therefore research on animals to study behaviour cannot be applied to human behaviour. Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment (12 marks) A GRADE (outline)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

New Reproduction Technologies :: essays research papers

During the debate on March 15, 2000 which discussed new reproductive technologies (NRTS) issues were raised regarding the positive and negative effects of NRTS. Issues raised by the advocates of NRTS were surrounding infertility, homosexuality, disease, and cloning. All of these factors raised were concerning the moral rights of individuals who were unable to have children of their own without the help of NRTS. The debate continued by stating that denying individuals the right to utilize NRTS was immoral and in effect discriminated against them due to their “unfavorable'; situation. In contrast, the opposition against NRTS raised very negative concerns which included the commercialization of human reproduction, quality control, generating waste products, and the rights of the pre-embryo. These issues suggest that through NRTS children were being commodified and the rights of the pre-embryo were being ignored. The debate generally focused on the rights of the individual, man or woman, versus the rights of the unborn child. The debate was very interesting which led me to look at the impact of NRTS at another angle. After examining the issues raised in the debate I was left questioning why NRTS exist in the first place? Whose interest do they serve? Who won/lost and what was at stake? The reason I am focusing on these issues is because while I was reading the NRTS articles something stuck in my mind. In What Price Parenthood? Social and Ethical Aspects of Reproductive Technology by Paul Lauritzen there are some issues covered which seem to be left out of the class debate. The societal pressures to utilize NRTS once they are presented to an individual are overwhelming. Paul Lauritzen raises issues regarding the social aspects of NRTS that I had never considered. I have therefore decided to further research the social impacts of NRTS. My essay has two objectives: first I would like to prove that no one has the moral right to engage in NRTS, it follows under the freedom of choice but it is not the “ri ght'; of an individual. Second I will debate whether, due to societal influences, any individual actually “chooses'; NRTS or if they are coerced.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rejecting the claim that it is an individual’s moral right to engage in NRTS is based on the definition of a moral right. A moral right is an opportunity to choose an option that is available to everyone else. To deny a person the right to engage in an activity that every other person can do is morally wrong.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Relationship Between International Law And Municipal Law

To know the relationship between International law and Municipal law, it is important to know what these to laws are. International law is the rules and conducts which deals with the conduct of states. To put into simpler terms, the international law is a set of rules in which the countries use in dealing with each other. The Municipal law is the internal law of the land. There are different theories that distinguish the difference of the two laws. The dualists or the pluralist theory states that international law and municipal law are different with each other in terms of their source, the relations they regulate, and their substance.Both of the laws differ in source because the international law came from treaties and customs grown among states while the municipal law is a product of local or domestic custom. They differ in the relations they regulate. How? The international law regulates the relationship of states with one another and is concerned with the external and foreign aff airs of the state while the municipal law regulates the relationship of individuals under the state and is concerned with the domestic affairs of the state. They also differ in their substance.The international law is a law between sovereign states while municipal law is the law of the sovereign over the individuals in the state. In this theory when a conflict arises as to whether what law should be used in dealing with an issue, the municipal law prevails. The dualists are positivists that biases greatly on state sovereignty. Next theory is the monistic theory or monism. In this theory, the international law and the municipal or domestic law are under one system of law. But there are two monistic theories that states what law should be used in settling disputes or the likes.One monistic theory has a stand that international law is superior to municipal law which is supported by Kelsen. It holds that international law is superior to municipal law because monistic theorists believe t hat international law can instill domestic order. Kelsen also believes that the international law encompasses every aspect of human life. Monistic theorists also see international law as a collective outcome of different local sovereigns. The other monistic theory believes that municipal law is superior to the international law

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Different School Models Essay

Private schools are independently run, do not to teach on the curriculum public schools use, and are funded through tuition, non public funds and religious organizations. Public schools are funded from state, local, and government funded. Total Population/ Demographics 260; approx. 60% African American 20% Caucasian 10% Hispanic 10% Asian American 400; approx. 50% African American 30% Hispanic 15% Caucasian 5% Asian American Basically enrollments in private schools are more middle and upper class. Public schools have a diverse enrollment. Student Teacher Ratio 1:19 1:32 (max) Again class numbers are low in private schools because only families that can afford to pay tuition. Public schools cannot deny any child from enrolling. Issues Faced Ensuring all Students Achieve their Potential Lack of Technology and (common core) textbooks Lack of motivation outside of school Funding to purchase updated materials are limited in private schools. Some Parents and guardians are interested in their child’s education. Addressing these Issues Use of an overhead projector, and online resources for educational materials related to common core standards Being a motivating factor in their individual success Private schools use what technology is available. Public schools have what technology is needed and is used on s daily basis. Public and private school teachers are motivators for students. Role of Technology Very limited Aids as a supplemental tool to advance student learning Again private schools use what is available. Having needed technology in public schools gives students the ability to advance. 21st Century Skills By observing the methods students use to communicate, socialize, and meet their daily needs. Students are more opted to use technology, and teamwork which will act as enrichment. Communicating with peers, students being able to use provided technology to help them advance. Role of Students Students determine the speed and depth of the deliverance of a lesson plan. Students’ progress also helps the teacher verify if the lesson was successful Student’s role is to learn and gain knowledge through being an independent learner. Assessing student’s progress to see if the skill was retained. Student’s roles don’t differ in schools. Students are to obtain knowledge and show they obtained the information received. Role of Teacher A teacher’s role is most effective with routine, and feedback. Teachers must provide various learning opportunities in the lessons, and repeatedly reintroduce the expectations and objectives of the lesson. Teachers set the attitude of their classrooms, build a welcoming environment, mentor and care for students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. Teachers provide consistency, stability and the information to help the students gain knowledge. Most Important Skills Taught Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Both teachers believe that basic fluency skills need to be taught There are major differences between public and private schools. One major difference is funding; Public schools get their financing from local, state, and federal government funds. Private schools depend on tuition payments and funds from nonpublic sources such as religious organizations, endowments, grants, and charitable donations. Another difference is enrollment numbers; public schools must accept all students who live within the borders of their districts. Unless it is a public school for children with special needs (i. e. gifted and talented) students have to be tested or enter into a lottery of some sort for the child to be accepted. Private schools are not obligated to accept every child that applies for admission. Private schools often choose between candidates based on ethnicity, religious back ground and financial status. From the interview I learned that the private school teacher I interviewed was not state certified. The teacher when she was hired had experience in working in an elementary school as a Para-educator and was in school working on her degree in Education. On the other hand public school teachers have to a degree in education and also are state certified. In most instances public school teachers are paid more than private school teachers, it actually depends on the school. Private school teachers maybe offered benefits such as a percentage off of tuition if the teachers own child is enrolled at the school (â€Å"Private vs. public,† 2013) . There’s a similar difference between curriculum development in private and public schools. Public schools must follow state procedures that set out certain standards and assessment procedures. This creates a certain amount of quality control. Private schools, on the other hand, can choose whatever curriculum and assessment model they wish. This freedom to design their own curriculum or avoid standardized tests can result in higher or lower standards for students. In public schools the parental support depends on the community of the school and how important the parent believes their child’s education is. Some people do not value their child’s education and send the children to school because it is a requirement. Private schools have tremendous parent support paying for education is a guarantee that parents will be involved, so they can see where their monies are being used for. Whether, public or private school parental involvement is important for academic growth and success of a child. Parental involvement is an issue for public schools. There are ways to try to get parents into the school, but they may not work. I don’t believe that a majority of the public schools parents do not care. It could be they do not have the flexibility in their job to leave, transportation, and if there is an event during the day at school parents are not allowed to bring younger siblings. Private schools have ample parent involvement because the parents make monetary investments in their child’s education; therefore they want to see where there money is going. Offer opportunities for students to bond with subjects in an array of meaningful ways through using supportive learning, appealing coursework, hands-on experiences, and other vigorous learning tactics. Gain knowledge of the students’ knowledge, notions, or false impressions by using pre-tests, and on paper or verbal lessons designed to inform a teacher of a students’ thoughts about an issue. Help students become more conscious by modeling the way you think as you are solving a problem, analyze the students work in front of the class. Teach skills, such as setting objectives, making predictions, and checking for constancy. Having students write in a journal or have students explain their process for solving the problem will help with metacognition. The benefits of public schools teachers have more qualifications; they may hold master degrees or have special training in a certain subject. In public schools students study core subjects and have access to the updated technology. Lastly, the population of public schools is more diverse. The benefits of private schools are; class sizes are small, parent involvement is strong and private schools do not have to comply with state standards so students are not stressed with having to take state standardized test.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Corazon Aquino Essay Example

Corazon Aquino Essay Example Corazon Aquino Paper Corazon Aquino Paper Dictatorship Is Iike a big proud ship-steaming away across the ocean with a great hulk and powerful engines driving it. Its going tast and strong and looks like nothing could stop It. What happens? Your fine ship strikes something-under the surface. Maybe its a mine or a reef, maybe Its a torpedo or an iceberg. And your wonderful ship sinks! Now take Democracy. Its like riding on a raft, a rickety raft that was put together in a hurry. We get tossed about on the waves, its bad going, and our feet are always wet. But the raft doesnt sink lts the raft that will get to the shore at last. This Is how democracy Is viewed by the businessman. Indeed, democracy Is a word that unites and pleases all the people. It also brings hope and peace to a nation. But what does democracy really means? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Democracy means a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of epresentation usually involving periodically held free elections. Another meaning of democracy is a political form of government in which governing power is derived from the people, either by direct referendum (direct democracy) or by means of elected representauves of the people (representative democracy). The term comes trom the Greek: bnpoxpatla (demokratia) rule ot the people, which was coined from ipoq (d mos) people and Kproq (Kratos) power, in the middle of the 5th-4th century 3C to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city- states. otably Athens following a popular uprising in 508 BC. Democracy played a vital role in the Philippines. The Americans introduced this kind of government to us when they got our country from the Spaniards 112 years ago. The Philippine Presidents taking oath after the rule of American regime implemented the same form of government until a dictator emerged In the personality of President Ferdinand E. Marcos. President Marcos declared Martial Law on September 23, 1972 by virtue of Proclamation No. 1081 . Marcos, ruling by decree, curtailed press freedom and other civil liberties, closed down Congress and media establishments, and ordered the rrest of opposition leaders and militant activists, including his staunchest critics. senators Benigno Aquino, Jr. ,Jovito Salonga and Jose Diokno. The declaration of exiled in the U. S for three years, the Filipino opposition activist Benigno Aquino was assassinated on the tarmac of Manila airport on 21 August 1983, moments after his return to the country to challenge the rule of long-term president, Ferdinand Marcos. That was also the day Maria Corazon Sumulong CoJuangco-Aquino stopped being, in her words, Just a housewife. Before we go further, lets know more about Ninoys Wife first. Corazon CoJuangco was born the sixth of eight children in Tarlac, a member of one of the richest Chinese-mestizo families in the Philippines. She was born to Jose CoJuangco of Tarlac and Demetria Sumulong of Antipolo, Rizal. Her ancestry was one-eighth Tagalog in maternal side, one-eighth Kapampangan and one-fourth Spanish in her paternal side, and half-Chinese in both maternal and paternal sides. She was sent to St.  Scholasticas College Manila and finished grade school as class valedictorian in 1943. In 1946, she studied high school for one year in Assumption Convent Manila. Later she was sent overseas to study in Ravenhill Academy in Philadelphia, the Notre Dame Convent School in New York, and the College of Mount Saint Vincent, also in New York. She worked as a volunteer in the 1948 United States presidential campaign of Republican Thomas Dewey against President Harry Truman. She studied liberal arts and graduated in 1953 with a Bachelor of Arts in French Language, with a minor in mathematics. She intended to become a math teacher and language interpreter. Aquino returned to the Philippines to study law at the Far Eastern University, owned by the family of the late Nicanor Reyes, Sr. , who had been the father-in-law of her older sister Josephine. She gave up her law studies when in 1954, she married Benigno Servillano Ninoy Aquino, Jr. the son of a former Speaker of the National Assembly. They had five children together: a son, Benigno Simeon Aquino Ill, who was elected as the 1 5th President of the Philippine Republic in May 2010, and four daughters, Maria Elena A.  Cruz, Aurora Corazon A. Abellada, Victoria Eliza A. Dee, and actress-television host Kristina Bernadette A. Yap. Aquino had initial difficulty adjusting to provincial life when she and her husband moved to Concepcion, Tarlac in 1955, after her husband had been lected the towns mayor at the age of 22. The American-educated Aquino found herself bored in Concepcion, and welcomed the opportunity for she and her husband to have dinner inside the American military facility at nearby Clark Field. Benigno Aquino soon emerged as a leading critic of the government of President Ferdinand Marcos of the Nacionalista Party, and there was wide speculation that he would run in the 1973 presidential elections, Marcos then being term limited. However, Marcos declared martial law on September 21, 1972, and later abolished the 1935 Constitution, allowing him to remain in office. Aquinos husband was among those arrested at the onset of martial law, later being sentenced to death. During his incarceration, Aquino drew strength from prayer, attending daily mass and saying three rosaries a day. As a measure of sacrifice, she enjoined her children from attending parties, and herself stopped from going to the beauty salon or buying new clothes, until a priest advised her and her children to instead live as normal lives as possible. In 1980, Aquinos husband was released from Jail in order to undergo heart Harvard University for the next three years. His family lived with him in the Boston rea and his wife described the time as the best years of her life. In 1983 supporters of the anti-Marcos factions persuaded Aquinos husband to return to the Philippines and to lead their cause. When his plane landed on the tarmac of the Manila International Airport on August 21, 1983, Aquinos husband was assassinated. Cory Aquino returned to the Philippines a few days later and led her husbands funeral rites, where more than two million people were estimated to have participated, the biggest ever in Philippine history. From the moment of Ninoy Aquinds assassination, Corazon Aquino became an acclaimed public figure. The shy woman learned to address huge rallies. There was so much rage in her. It did not seem difficult to speak her mind out before thousands of people and to become gadfly her husband had been. She prodded into action against the Marcos government, to demand an honest investigation into her husbands murder. Marcos claimed the assassin was Galman, whom he described as a Communist. Somehow, Galman had slipped through the security cordon with a weapon and shot Aquino before guards killed him. A Marcos-appointed commission came to the same conclusion. More likely, Galman was set up as the fall guy and then killed to ensure is silence. Subsequent investigations revealed that Galman was a petty criminal with links to the police. His family said that days before his death, Galman left his house in the company of several police and soldiers. Public pressure for Justice was strong. General Fabian Ver, Marcoss chief of staff, and twenty-five others were tried for the murder but were acquitted in December 1985. This incident pushed the limit to Mrs. Aquino. After the death of Ninoy, a group later known as the Convenors, held their first meeting in October 1984, at the home of Cory Aquinds mother in the ealthy Dasmarihas Village subdivision in the town of Makati in the metropolitan Manila. The convenors decided that three of their number would screen candidates and would choose one after consultation. The three were Ongpin, Cory Aquino and Lorenzo Tanada, venerable elder statesman of the opposition movement. During the convenors deliberations, Cory Aquino began to emerge as a political force in her own right, no longer simply the widow of Ninoy. At first, her role was to lend moral authority to the convenors, but Tanada and the others, despairing of the alternative, egan to see Aquino as the only candidate capable of uniting the opposition. They needed a candidate with a reputation for personal integrity who could appeal to conservative communists, left-leaning progressives, and the broad masses. They also needed a candidate acceptable to Washington, which exerted broad influence in the Philippines, and which had long supported Marcos of a dearth of alternatives. Aquinds seeming lack of personal ambition and deep-seated ideology made her perfect for the task. l am Just one of the thousands and millions of victims of the Marcos Regime, Cory would tell the crowds who came to hear her speak. am not the victim who has suffered the most, but perhaps the victim who is best known. I look around me and I see a nation that is sinking deeper and deeper into despair. I sense a growing feeling of helplessness and a creeping belief that no matter what abuse may be thrown at our faces, we are powerless to do anything about it. And since the Philippines needed an unequivocal change from the twenty-year rule of him for presidency. More than anyone, Cory Aquino knew the hard work, planning, meetings, and campaigning required. Like Ninoy, she was now away from home and the family for sixteen hours a day. She campaigned like a trouper, answering nasty remarks with simple retorts. To the comment that she had no experience, she replied, It is true that I have no experience in lying, cheating, stealing and killing. I offer you honesty and sincerity in leadership. To the others she promised, if elected, not to live in Malacanang. I will open it up to the people. She spoke before women, peasants, workers, and students as well as upper-class civic groups. To them all, she was a symbol of an uncorrupted woman, a woman they could trust. She made no great promises about immediately solving the staggering problems of the bankrupt country. It seemed enough, at the moment, to topple a brutal dictatorship, to restore civil rights and liberties, to open up democratic space, as she called it. Only with patience, and through peace and reconciliation, would the country be able to move forward. Her popularity reached a high point when one million people showed up at a post-election rally in Luneta Park in Manila on February 16. On February 25, Corazon Aquino was sworn in as the seventh president of the Philippines in a political upset that has been called historic. The New Year began with smiles and accolades. President Aquino, a woman, was honored by Time Magazine as its Man of he Year for 1986. On January 19, she won the Martin Luther King Award for nonviolence. We are finally free, and we can truly be proud of the unprecedented way we achieved our freedom, with courage, with determination, and most important, in peace. A new life starts for our country. But making that new life work was proving extremely difficult, as the woman in charge of what everyone called the Cory government rolled up her sleeves and got down to work. Her first act after taking office was to appoint a presidential cabinet of seventeen advisers. All of them had been opposed to President Marcos. Thirteen of them were lawyers, and five had attended Harvard University or Yale. Whatever their individual differences, the cabinet members got right down to work, too. Their first project was fguring how to run the government without having to abide by the structure set up by Ferdinand Marcos. Intent on upholding civil and human rights, she reestablished the writ of habeas corpus suspended by Marcos in 1971. Once again people were given protection against illegal imprisonment. She removed restraints on freedom of the press and on the rights of labor. Fulfilling a campaign promise, she announced the nconditional release from Jail of some five hundred political prisoners, including communists, an act that drew both applause and criticism. By mid-March, the president created the Committee on Human Rights, abolished the old National Assembly filled with Marcos followers, and adopted a provisional Freedom Constitution. The opening up of democratic space was not only to benefit the people but necessary for the president herself. She is deeply committed to the democratic process, for through freedom of expression she can hear a broad range of popular opinion.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Abortion Essays (1661 words) - Abortion, Free Essays, Term Papers

Abortion Essays (1661 words) - Abortion, Free Essays, Term Papers Abortion Abortion is the ending of pregnancy before birth and is morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a foetus. Abortion destroys the lives of helpless, innocent children and illegal in many countries. By aborting these unborn infants, humans are hurting themselves; they are not allowing themselves to meet these new identities and unique personalities. Abortion is very simply wrong. Everyone is raised knowing the difference between right and wrong. Murder is wrong, so why is not abortion? People argue that it is not murder if the child is unborn. Abortion is murder since the foetus being destroyed is living, breathing and moving. Why is it that if an infant is destroyed a month before the birth, there is no problem, but if killed a month after birth, this is inhumane murder? It is morally and strategically foolish, because we lose the middle when we talk about reproductive rights without reference to a larger moral and spiritual dimension, and we are unwilling to use language like transgression and redemption, or right and wrong. -Wolf p54 The main purpose abortions are immoral is how they are so viciously done. Everyday, innocent, harmless foetuses that could soon be laughing children are being brutally destroyed. One form of abortion is to cut the foetus into pieces with serrated forceps before being removed, piece by piece from the uterus by suction with a vacuum aspirator. Another form consists of bringing the foetus feet first into the birth canal, puncturing its skull with a sharp instrument and sucking out the brain tissue. The body parts, such as the head, are given letters, rather than refer to the parts as what they are. In my opinion this is for the doctors who cannot face the reality of what they are doing. The remains of the foetus or embryo, as the case may be, are put into everyday, plastic buckets and then sent to a dumpster where these precious bones and limbs are disposed. However, how and when an abortion takes place are matters of little importance to pro- abortionists and other defenders. Even former abortion practitioners from varying backgrounds and religions have a new view on abortion. These changes of heart were caused by psychological, religious and scientific reasons. One doctor, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, performed 60,000 abortions and supervised 10,000, before scientific evidence and the use of an ultrasound, convinced him he was promoting and participating what he now calls the most atrocious holocaust in the history of the United States. Other doctors refuse to perform legal abortions, saying they should save lives rather than destroy them. Many argue is it the women's or the foetus' rights and values that are being trampled on? Pro-choice movements sometimes fall back on an abortion rhetoric that seems to dehumanize and trivialize the death of a foetus as a way to humanize and make important the reproductive rights of women. (Wolf p54) Women can treat an unwanted foetus as a violation of her civil rights and is therefor justified tin using force to expel it (McMillan pA12) The decision is not up to the mother because she is not God. Only God, the ultimate creator has the right to choose who may live and who shall die. Humans do not have the right or the power to control the quality of life and to avoid suffering. The issue of abortion is not just life, but how life is created and the extent to which human intention and control the process, both before and after birth. All humans inventions and interventions may give us a world to regret. (Clark p3) With abortion, we humans give ourselves dominion over a large part of God's plans and our destiny. Abortion becomes especially evil when the bond between mother and child is broken and it is being used as an alternative birth control when humans cannot control their irresponsible sexual hungers. If beings are responsible enough to be sexually active, they should also be responsible enough to accept consequences, and if that means becoming pregnant and creating a life, then that life should have the opportunity to live. There should be a bond or relationship between a mother and child, whether born or unborn. Mothers and her children form a bond unlike any other felling of love; when a child is aborted, before given the right to grow in the bond, does the mother feel the connection with her child or is it just uterine material. Abortion is never about just abortion. It is

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learning How to Write an Exploratory Essay by BestEssay.Education

Learning How to Write an Exploratory Essay by Learning How to Write an Exploratory Essay If you are working on an exploratory essay, you are working on a task that is quite unusual. In fact, it is so unusual that as you learn how to write an exploratory essay you will need to momentarily discard much of what you know about writing essays. The reason for this that the approach to writing an exploratory essay is completely different. When writing these essays, your goal is not to prove your thesis or to argue a specific point. Instead, your job is to walk your readers through the things that you have experienced when attempting to solve a problem. What is an Exploratory Essay? It may seem strange to read this, but an exploratory essay is essentially an introspective retrospective. Essentially what you will be doing is examining your approach to defining and solving a problem. The purpose of this essay is to give yourself some good insight on the methods that you use to solve problems, the methods that you use to identify problems, and even your writing style. In many cases, you might write an exploratory essay after completing a research project. What can a Student Get from Writing an Exploratory Essay? In an ideal world, research is objective. People however, are not objective. Each one of us views the world with through the filter of our experiences. This impacts everything we do, including research. An exploratory essay is a way for a student to explore their processes, methodologies, and motivations. When a student completes this process, the goal is that they become a better student and better researcher because they are more aware of themselves. What Questions Should an Exploratory Essay Answer? Here are the questions that you should consider when you write your exploratory essay. Why did I identify this problem as one that I wanted to explore? Why did I select the sources that I did when researching the problem? What made me think that the solution that I applied was the best one? What factors impacted the methods I used to apply the solution? As I read my research notes, what stands out to me about my writing style? Did the solution I applied work? If the solution didn’t work, can I identify any biases or tendencies on my part that contributed to that? Getting Help with your Exploratory Essay Even though this is not a common essay to write, you can still count on to help you with these assignments. We will find the best writer to write an essay of this type or any other type, just for you. Our writers will help you go through your research notes and other information so that your approach and methodology can be identified and explored. When your exploratory essay is finished, you will have an excellent essay to turn in for a grade, and you will also have a great document to refer to when you are questioning the choices that you make when researching a problem or applying solutions.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Relationship Between Phenomenal Consciousness And Access Essay - 1

The Relationship Between Phenomenal Consciousness And Access Consciousness - Essay Example An important characteristic of the phenomenon consciousness that warrant noting is that differences in intentional content usually distinguish P- consciousness and makes it to stand out among other related phenomenon. A further attribute is that phenomenon conscious differences often lead to intentional differences (Jackndoff, 1987; Flanagan, 1992). On the other hand (Nagel, 1974), depicts access consciousness differently. According to Ned Block, access consciousness is achieved if it is perched for direct rational controls of thoughts and actions. It is specifically involved in data or information processing, computing, and control of behavior or conduct. Access consciousness is a cluster concept where the ability to do reports is the idea of the cluster which has the smaller weight even though it is often considered the best practical directive to access consciousness. A very important concept that Ned portrays (p, 208), is that phenomenon and access consciousness have been a ground of criticism for the functionalism and behaviorism (Block and Fodor, 1972), however no distinct need for an information generation motive of consciousness to be discussed considering several viewpoints that exist. ii. At particular instances, phenomenon conscious type of state may exists but not links or connections with the access conscious at that same time. This hence brings out the sense that the exemplar phenomenon conscious situations are quite sensational while that of access conscious are propositional attitudes. iii. Access conscious illustrations are representational while phenomenon consciousnesses are phenomenal or exceptional. Access consciousness does not make the needed intellectual demands as one may think but of self-consciousness, and for the identified phenomenal consciousness. The word consciousness presages a wide variety of perceptions and stands for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Choose any topic and story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Choose any topic and story - Essay Example As Matt orders Richard around with a gun pointed at him, Richard reveals to him that he wanted to get back with his wife, but Frank was â€Å"always with her† (Dubus). In order to get back with Mary, Richard thinks that he must completely remove the hindrance to their marriage, who is Frank. At the same time, Matt tells Willis that his wife, Ruth, is always crying because she keeps on seeing him around. Matt also thinks that though Richard might be jailed for twenty years, he will be young enough to continue his life after prison life, unlike his son, Frank, who is already dead. Matt justifies that killing Richard will give peace to him and his wife. Emily, on the opposite, does not kill for revenge, but to avoid the misery of loneliness. She does not want to be alone again, so she poisoned Homer when she believes that he is about to leave her, instead of marrying her. Emily has lived a long, lonely life because of her domineering father who drove all her suitors away and Homer might be her only companion in life. Emily also lacks friends because people think that the Griersons are full of pride because of their social class. Without Homer, she will be lonelier since she already experienced what it means to be loved and to love, so she kills him so he can be with her forever. Despite this difference, Matt and Emily are also selfish in their motivations. Matt wants to kill Richard even when he feels guilty over it. He knows that it is wrong to take another man’s life, but he wants to do it to erase his guilt for not taking care of his kids well as he used to when they were younger. Emily is also selfish because she wants to control Homer for eternity. Hence, there is a difference in the exact motive for their killings, but Emily and Matt both did it for selfish reasons too. I feel more empathy for Matt than Emily because I cannot imagine losing my own child at such a young age. Frank is at the prime of his life. He has

Liberalisation of the financial sector iceland Essay

Liberalisation of the financial sector iceland - Essay Example The banks in general did not have to worry too much about the competition and customer satisfaction philosophies as the banks had been working under national regulation as part of the public sector. Earlier, Icelandic banks did have international offices to support the domestic customers, e.g. Kaupthing bank's filial in Luxembourg and New York; however most of the business was domestic orientated. Today 70% of profits of Kaupthing bank, the third largest in Iceland, are made outside Iceland - a significant change (Annual rapport 2006, Kaupthing Bank p4). Iceland is an island with many small isolated towns; therefore the cost of having many filial is considerably high. But in view of the local needs, it was a necessity (Jensen 2003). The liberalization process has contributed immensely towards expanding the domestic financial markets. Today the major credit institutions such as pension funds and house founds, which used to be separate units earlier, are today merged with the new commercial banks (sector rapport OECD p43). Therefore the banks have now changed from being mere saving banks to financial institutions (FIs) with a wide portfolio of services from lending money out to holding pensions. Though government still controls the larger household funds, whose job is to lend out money for buying houses. This is seen as a secure investment. In addition it also provides short-term credit for households and businesses as is provided by commercial banks. The longer term financing for both business and housing is largely provided by government investment funds drawn from their resources in private sector pension schemes and foreign borrowings. The Icelandic financial institutions are divided into three main groups, banks, pension funds and government credit funds. The government credit funds can be further divided into 3 minor groups, (insurance, leasing and mutual funds). Looking on the graph at appendix 5 we can see that the pension funds and the banks have the biggest share. The foreign sector who supplies outstanding credit to government and its credit funds -also figures as a dominating group. Controlling of the financial market doing liberalizing period Before the liberalisation process, the government was in control of most of the financial institutions in Iceland including the banking sector. The sectors were missing out on reforms process and modern agreements. The financial sector had more in common with a regulated Pan Atlantic country than the rest of north Europe. This was also due to a smaller economy where the government wanted to protect it against foreign exchange speculations dealers. Iceland has undergone through several years' of weak economy with a high rate of inflation and strong devaluation of its currency. Some of the Icelandic Banks also suffered huge losses while being a part of the public sector. Owing to such losses the Islandsbanki became insolvent in 1995 (Jensen 2006 p7). Banking sector Today, there are 24 smaller 'saving banks' and 3 'major banks' in the financial sector in Iceland. The three banks, Kaupthing Bank, Landsbanki Bank and Glitnir Bank are dominating the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Discussion questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion questions - Research Paper Example Consumers’ desire for attractively designed and portable computer has forced companies to concentrate on the production of notebooks and laptops. Furthermore, price cuts, extended battery life, integrated wireless networking, and prevalence of home-offices have resulted escalation of laptop sales (Yeung, 2011). Consumers can be categorized as satisfied switchers, dissatisfied switchers, and stayers based on price and payment conditions. Dissatisfied switchers are the consumers that give less importance to the price of the computer; rather they are obsessed with the technical features and specifications. 2) A complete and successful marketing activity implies that appropriate price, appropriate product, appropriate promotional means, as well as services and enterprise products are devoted to a particular market. According to the theory of marketing, the following market strategies will be appropriate to handle the target market of Lenovo. Currently Lenovo puts into consideration various factors when selecting a market target. Strong brand awareness to cater for city clients who have advanced conception in the information technology. In the laptop market, the consequence of Lenovo brand is comparative advantage, so selecting such market targets can accommodate the requirements of such customers (Pan, 2005). The company should seek to persuade its customers than it offers products that are far superior in comparison to what its competitors are offering. The main benefit that Lenovo stands to gain when products are successfully differentiated include, premium prices for its products, above average profits, an elastic demand for its products, and creates a barrier to entry of new competitors to the market. Lenovo sustainable development is consistent with a correct and unified guiding ideology. It is with an appropriate strategic plan for use and guide of its own attributes with

Human Resources Planning, Recruitment & Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resources Planning, Recruitment & - Essay Example The discussion will also outline various issues that can affect HR planning at policy level within the organisation. It also seeks to discuss the measures that can be implemented within the next five years in order to influence an effective HR planning strategy. In any organisation, human resources management (HRM) plays a very important function to its survival and viability. As such, this report is mainly concerned with outlining a critical analysis of the use of internal and external environments of an organisation within the context of HR planning. The report will focus on the operations of JBS Australia Pty Ltd which is a foreign owned private company owned by Brazilian-based JBS SA, the worlds largest meat processor. The report starts by outlining the overview of the company and this will be followed by explanation of key concepts. Internal as well as external factors will be explained in detail as well as the measures that can be put in place within the next five years in order to improve the operations of the organisation with regards to its HR functions. According to IBISWorld (2009), â€Å"JBS Australia Pty Ltd is a foreign owned private company owned by Brazilian-based JBS SA, the worlds largest meat processor. Swift Australia generates the majority of its income from the processing and distribution of meat and its by-products.† This company is based in Riverview, Queensland and it employs over 4,000 people. JBS Australia is responsible for processing and distributing meat products such as beef, mutton, lamb, Veal and offal as well as other by-products such as hides, skins, blood and bone among others. The company operates the following brands: King Island Beef, Swift Premium Beef, Tasmanian Premium Beef, Friboi Beef and Beef City Black. Planning with regards to human resources management (HRM) is primarily concerned with defining the goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Discussion questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion questions - Research Paper Example Consumers’ desire for attractively designed and portable computer has forced companies to concentrate on the production of notebooks and laptops. Furthermore, price cuts, extended battery life, integrated wireless networking, and prevalence of home-offices have resulted escalation of laptop sales (Yeung, 2011). Consumers can be categorized as satisfied switchers, dissatisfied switchers, and stayers based on price and payment conditions. Dissatisfied switchers are the consumers that give less importance to the price of the computer; rather they are obsessed with the technical features and specifications. 2) A complete and successful marketing activity implies that appropriate price, appropriate product, appropriate promotional means, as well as services and enterprise products are devoted to a particular market. According to the theory of marketing, the following market strategies will be appropriate to handle the target market of Lenovo. Currently Lenovo puts into consideration various factors when selecting a market target. Strong brand awareness to cater for city clients who have advanced conception in the information technology. In the laptop market, the consequence of Lenovo brand is comparative advantage, so selecting such market targets can accommodate the requirements of such customers (Pan, 2005). The company should seek to persuade its customers than it offers products that are far superior in comparison to what its competitors are offering. The main benefit that Lenovo stands to gain when products are successfully differentiated include, premium prices for its products, above average profits, an elastic demand for its products, and creates a barrier to entry of new competitors to the market. Lenovo sustainable development is consistent with a correct and unified guiding ideology. It is with an appropriate strategic plan for use and guide of its own attributes with

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

International Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Economics - Essay Example The major elements of the transition process comprise macro-stabilization, price and market liberalization (including international trade), restructuring and privatizing state enterprises, and redefining the role of the state" (IMF, 2002, pp. 90-91). The major problem of more and more interdependent world is the interaction of world structures, which are characterized not only by different levels of development, but also by different extent of an involvement in the world division of labour and the world economy. Waltz on expressing his neorealist conceptualization of the determinants of international behaviour claims, "International structure emerges from the interaction of states and then constrains them from taking certain actions while propelling them toward others" (Waltz, 2000, p. 11). The analysis of modern economic and integration processes allows allocating two basic tendencies. One of them is quantitative growth of countries incorporated in the various international economic unions and other international economic alliances that is the evidence of increase of globalization of economy. The other tendency is continuous perfection of forms and methods of realization of world economic integration that speaks about deep qualitative changes occurring in this process. At the present stage the international economic integration has reached global scales. Globalization of economy represents the maximum form of the international economic integration. It is expressed in formation and activity of interstate and international economic associations, and also in occurrence and development in modern community of the international economic institutes and trans-national corporations. The changing global economy is also "providing challenges to the European Union. Globalization of production, procurement, and distribution; e-logistics and e-transport; and outsourcing of what traditionally had occurred internal to a company or country have caused many government and private sector officials to rethink what types of investment and at what levels are necessary to remain competitive" (Caldwell, 2002, p 7). Each state is expressed in "structural and quantitative characteristics. For the world economy the international monetary system (IMS) will be considered as a structural characteristic. The growth rate of the gross national product of countries participating in international economic relations will be regarded as a quantitative characteristic" (NATO, 2006, p. 101). If early stages of the international economic integration have had only one form of its realization - the international trade, the stage of globalization alongside with it assumes moving of labour, capital, scientific and technical knowledge, and information in planetary scale. Thus, at a stage of globalization the international economic integration gets not only more significant quantitative char

War in Iraq and the US Economic Growth- History of the war in Iraq Essay Example for Free

War in Iraq and the US Economic Growth- History of the war in Iraq Essay Iraq was also known as occupation of Iraq began in 2003 march 20th led by United States. The president of US then George W. Bush, the Prime minister of United Kingdom by then Tony Blair, Prime minister of Spain by then Jose Maria Aznar, and domestic foreign supporters accused Iraq of possession of weapons of mass destruction, which was against the 1991 agreement to unconditionally give them up. This triggered one of the most historically long wars since the Vietnam War. It’s estimated that the war has caused as many deaths and resources as the Vietnam War. (BBC news 26 Nov 2007). The war is still on but key figures in the war have already been eliminated. Among them are sadaam Hussein and his sons. Impact of the War on US Economy As Wall Street reports the most recent advances of the battle, in Iraq, Economist are on the other hand worried that the war might be affecting employment, consumer confidence, and a service industry show down. According the government realized labor figures on April 4 statistics showed that economy had lost 108,000 jobs in March, more than the expected number which was 36,000. More so, the unemployment rate was steady at 5. 8% following discouragement of more people (hopes for quick war April 2003). The increase in unemployment not only affects the individuals but also the economy at large since the government invests a lot on charity in order to take care of citizens who cannot afford basic needs In addition, the crime rates are increasing at a faster rate. As manufacturers on the other hand lay off workers, there is a fall in the institute for supply management’s index for non manufacturing businesses in the service industry. This industry indicates 85% of US economic activities. Thus a fall basically means that a big percentage of economic activities are reducing. Consumer confidence has also been greatly reduced. According to study from university of Michigan consumer confidence was lowest in 9 years. With consumers hope gone people tend to do minimal buying especially of high worth assets. This brings about less money in supply and hence a slow movement of economic progress due to minimal economic activities. Economic growth has slowed in the US. This is due to the softness of the economy. Long term goals of the government to attack Iraq remain unclear. This is slowing the US economy because a large portion of money has already been injected in the war, placing other government plans to broaden the economy at a stand still. Little or no help is likely to be coming from other nations to rebuild Iraq. The Bush Administration alienated so many of its European allies with its unilateral action; it also put European bidders so far from USA government contracts for reconstruction projects. This means the only people who might benefit from such contracts are the Americans. Britons can not hence fund the Americans to do what will only benefit Americans. Financial markets are taking a dark view due to the engagement of the government in war that has brought a budget deficit. This is leaving the state money in circulation less than normal. As a result the prospective investors in stock Market cannot access enough liquidity to invest. With a country’s stock index going town, economic growth is mostly low due to the fact that many economies growth is determined partly by economic activities and financial performance. The war in Iraq might be of negative impact too. Now that uncertainties from war in Iraq have not ended and souring oil prices are trying though not yet the uncertainties might not be eliminated in a short time and the war might not be economic benefit to US. With the US government suffering a budget deficit, it might be difficult for the economy to move forward. Analyst approximated $100 billion, to rebuild and secure Iraq. Such and expenditure added to the already existing deficit will not only slow the entire economic growth of American but also drag it behind. Since the start of the Iraq war, the price of oil shot up from $37 a barrel to over 90$ a barrel. Consistent disruptions from the war have affected oil prices; however one cannot argue that the Iraq war is wholly responsible for the rise in the oil prices. Oil prices have brought negative financial status in the US by transferring approximately $124 billion from US to other oil producing companies in different counties between 2003 and 2008. (Jeannine Averssa Economics writer Tue. Nov. 13) High oil price can slow economic growth of a particular country especially by slowing the spending and rate of investment by consumers and business. This is through limiting the circulation of money. When people reduce the spending power, financial institutions like banks don’t get to lend more hence the bank loans, sale of government securities and activities economic development automatically slows down. Interest changed on money borrowed to by the US Government according report had over $850 billions. Recently the debts interests hit $9 trillion. With an economy’s money being moved out at such rates economic growth of any particular economy has to be slowed (Associated press 2007) U. S decided that it will keep its short term interests rates unchanged. The US federal reserve (Fed) said in a statement that the hesitancy of the US economic expansion appears to owe importantly to oil price premiums and other aspects of geographical uncertainties. † The fed has stressed that policy makers couldn’t assess the risks of future US economy given all the uncertainties over the Iraq situation. (Xinhua News Agency march 22, 2003). This is a dangerous report for any particular economy since the central government is responsible for giving confidential report concerning the governments’ position economically. This means the fed is genuinely foreseeing a dark if not unpredictable future. The Iraq war has also created division among US residents and between bush administrations and opposition leaders. This is being reflected on the economic growth of the country. Currently the US is divided between those who feel that the Bush administration is right, and those that totally oppose it, especially those parents whose sons died in Iraq war and those whose sons are still in Iraq. As a result of the division team spirit has been lost for the country. This is affecting the nation economically since productivity rate is low. However, Bush administration, is trying out economic recovery strategies; like conducting a highly responsible fiscal policy, like taxing the richest individuals heavily. However, economists urge that tax cuts are for more political than they are simulative. Effects in Our Economy today â€Å"People pointed out how war against Iraq may not be compensated for soon enough by other oil producing countries. This is because most members of organization of petroleum exporting countries do not have much additional production capacity. The decline in world prices for oil may not go down as people expect. † (JEANNINE 2000) The Iraq war has hence led to our economy being affected by the oil prices moving up. The hiking of oil prices, in the global economy has resulted to high commodity prices all over the world Economists will urge that many commodities that incur transportation cost in order to be sold, will raise price with a rise in oil prices. This shifts the entire living standards high without increasing the income of individuals. The war in Iraq has hence worsened humanity’s standards of living globally. War in Iraq has also reduced the funding of 3rd world countries by developed countries. Countries that received aid from US for instance have had their economies run bankrupt since the US is facing a deficit budget also. This calls for other stable economies like Japan to cost share by lending to poor countries. the intervention of these other countries brings about extra cost on their side and thus what could have been done say by Japan cannot be done simply because it used the cash to help. This is lowering the chances for innovation by technologically improved countries like Japan and generally lowering the standards of living instead of improving them. Total global energy supplies are declining yet the worlds economy cannot grow beyond its energy budget. The Iraq war has affected this negatively since the world’s civilization will decline with its energy budget. This will happen has the American President instructs his citizens to hold on. If this happens oil will be available still as it will remain in the ground. But then it will be useless as the cost of extracting it will move than the cost selling the oil itself. Conclusion Many theories and suggestions have been advanced regarding the impact of Iraq war and magnitude. Considering the many articles written different opinions aired via media and internet, yes their might be an advantage of the Iraq war to our general economy or the US economy to be more specific, but so far the war seems to have been more of a disaster than problem solving decision. Works cited JEANNINE AVERSA Cost of Iraq war could surpass $1 trillion .Report Puts Hidden war Costs at $1. 6T, AP Economics Writer Tue Nov 13, 6:21 PM ET Global Interdependence: The war in Iraq and the u. s Economy Markets buoyed by hopes for quick war,, but long term outlook is dim. Date Posted on Global Envision: April 16, 2003 Martin Wok. Chief economics correspondent. MSNBC. Updated 4:25 p. m. PT, Fri. , March. 17, 2006 I. f stone . An institute for the rest of us. Institute for policy studies. 1963 Dean Baker. The economic impact of Iraq war and higher military spending. Center for economic and policy research Washington . 2000

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The public sector and tourism

The public sector and tourism But are governments important to tourism, and how do they become involved with tourism management? What are the effects on tourism-has it led to success or failure? Governments and tourism-Tourism needs favourable conditions to thrive-these are stability and security,a sound legal structure with provision of vital services and necessary infrastructure(the roads,water supplies,a favourable environment.)All these the State is able to provide.It is the government who has the influence and political clout for decisions and course direction.The degree of involvement and commitment are most important here.These two factors exist with varying degrees of effect within each country on the globe.PSM or public sector management involves action implementation and policy direction through the government.The principles of accountability on behalf of the public having the necessary support of the legal framework and political system prevailing. Why governments intervene in the tourism sector-First and foremost if there is no monitoring of tourism activity there could occur sudden deterioration of the environment with consequences to the local population.Both facilities and infrastructure as supplied by government contribute as enabling factors with positive benefits of the populations well-being and provision of increased tax revenue.Jobs, also a very important issue are thereby able to be created.See Guide for Local Authorities on Developing Sustainable Tourism WTO(1998:29).Much of the developing world has embraced the immediate benefits to its economy by the pursuit of such investment.Critics would point out the potential for damage by alteration of the localitys social and cultural fabric.There are also leakages whereby the revenue generated is not experienced by the locality it gets diverted elsewhere to overseas investors with a stream of cheap labour coming in to fill potential seasonal employment occupancies for the locals. Politics tend to deal in wider frameworks and this is not alwaysin the best interests of the people.The Franco regime of the 60s utilised tourism for political acceptability.France has always sought to the position of the welfare state on behalf of the poorer members of its society.It is similar to recreational tourism most evident in the Soviet era where cultivation of a workers climate is applicable to the spas,resorts and holiday camps.The government of the UK expounded the potential of the tourism industry for being able to accommodate to large numbers of unemployed during the 1980s when unemployment was at a high level.A transnational body such as the EU has consistently supported financial aid for the creation of infrastructure in the outlying regions of the world.Aid is rendered by the more wealthy nations to those who are impoverished to generate immediate recovery and wealth the Pacific Islands being a case in point. Government intervention and tourism performance-The tourism industry is a very complex category and requires proper coordination   encouraged to achieve positive results.It is pointed out that with extensive government involvement there is inevitable bureaucratic regulation and stiflement this deterring would-be investment from the private sector.Government intervention is necessary where there is present seasonal dependency and the local economy cannot be kept running all year round. The political complexion of local councils is very variable interest in tourism is likely to wax and wane.Government is concerned with obtaining as much quality statistical data as it is able so as to understand how these local economies function and so be able to assist more effectively but still is a very fragmented process.Resolve of conflict directly concerns government intervention;and similar to politics is concerns a balancing strategy between the tourism industry and disenchanted opposition more often than not the local residents themselves. Strategic objectives are more likely to be pursued by government Jeffries(2001) has pinpointed two viewpoints.Firstly redeployment of tourist visitors taking into account the seasonal variation patterns and secondly geographical redeployment in steering tourism flows elsewhere.It is argued for the first strategm that extension of the tourist season with an improved range of visitor and domestic attractions offered during the low season there will automatically occur increased business interest and therefore activity.Employment growth might well occur rather than sustaining a low seasonal level.The second strategm concerns direct intervention and an example of this would be the Languedoc-Rousillon coastal region to the south of Montpellier.A certain number of bespaces were guaranteed for the resort area and improved throughout the 70s and 80s.In this case regional development has occurred to assist an undeveloped region. Locally in the UK the saturation effects experienced from an influx of tourism has prompted definitive measures to contain it;examples of this would be Stratford-upon-Avon,Cambridge with York and Canterbury

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Price of Perfection in Brave New World :: Brave New World Essays

The Price of Perfection in Brave New World Aldous Huxley's Brave New World presents a portrait of a society which is superficially a perfect world. At first inspection, it seems perfect in many ways: it is carefree, problem free and depression free. All aspects of the population are controlled: number, social class, and intellectual ability are all carefully regulated. Even history is controlled and rewritten to meet the needs of the party. Stability must be maintained at all costs. In the new world which Huxley creates, if there is even a hint of anger, the wonder drug Soma is prescribed to remedy the problem. A colleague, noticing your depression, would chime in with the chant, "one cubic centimetre of soma cures ten gloomy." This slogan is taught to everyone, from the youngest to the oldest. Unhappiness, intellectual curiosity, disagreement, suffering - none of these feelings is allowed in the world which Huxley creates. At the first sign of unhappiness, Soma is prescribed. Emotions of all types are strictly controlled to provide stability and predictability within the population. Another of the panaceas for social ills is the belief that everyone would enjoy his or her work because he or she was "made" or trained for it when young. Consequently, from birth, everyone in Brave New World is slotted to belong to a specific social and intellectual strata. In conjunction with this idea, all births are completely planned and monitored. There are different classes of people with different intelligence and different "career plans." The social order was divided into the most highly educated, the Alpha+, and then in descending intelligence, the following divisions: Alpha, Beta, Beta -, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon, which is the last group comprised of those citizens of the lowest intelligence who are necessary to perform society's most menial jobs. Another of the problems with the society which Huxley depicts is that the people do not have individuality. They are all conditioned by subliminal messages and artificial stimuli to respond the same way. Although all people are meant to respond identically without thinking, a few are made 'imperfectly' and, as a result, do have personalities. These people violate the principles of technology and artificial personalities and consequently have to be sent away so as not to "contaminate" others. To maintain order in Brave New World, the Resident Controller must have complete authority over more than just the present; he must also have influence over the past. In order to be able to achieve this, he must be able to rewrite history. This gives rise to one of the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Claudio – ‘A man of honour betrayed’?

In Shakespeare's ‘Much Ado About Nothing' honour is very important to all the gentil characters. To know Claudio's character and his cruel treatment of Hero, it is important to understand the honour code. Specific to aristocracy, honour meant reputation, status and respect. A man's honour was earned through conduct in battle and the virtue of a wife and daughter. Contemporary audiences would not approve of Claudio's manner towards Hero, whereas Renaissance audiences would understand Claudio's behaviour towards Hero. This is because honour was regarded very highly n their social class, which would suggest why audiences would see Claudio as ‘a man of honour betrayed'. Throughout the play, even when the truth of Hero's chastity comes out, Claudio is a respected character who is not disliked by other characters, such as Benedick and Don Pedro. Audiences in the renaissance periods believed honour was everything. Claudio's ‘dishonouring' would not only act as a threat to his reputation, but also undermine the social structure, as honour was an important tool of social cohesion. The Renaissance era believed that honour was synonymous with order. It is important to emphasize this concept to understand that Claudio is ‘a man of honour betrayed'. Nevertheless Shakespeare recognizes the importance of honour throughout the play. However,he also sees that the code as flawed, meaning men can defend their honour using weapons in the battlefield and in duel, yet a man can shame a woman, as Claudio does Hero, and she cannot defend herself. If Claudio had allowed Hero to dishonour him he would have lost his well-earned reputation, so he ‘shames' her. Claudio talks of Hero as if she were an object, and insults her at every opportunity. For instance, whilst he is alking to Leonato he says: â€Å"There, Leonato, take her back again. Give not this rotten orange to your friend, She's but the sign and semblance of her honour. † There are many contradictions within the honour code, men are meant to cherish and ‘honour' women, but are only too ready to dishonour them, accusing them of being â€Å"spoiled goods†, as in the case of Claudio and Hero. At the beginning of the play when the messenger enters he describes Claudio as having : â€Å"the figure of a lamb, the feats of a lion†¦ † Claudio is considered a man of honour, he is praised in battle and is portrayed as a great soldier; he is said to be noble Claudio†. The lamb/lion metaphor is very appropriate for Claudio as he could be seen as naive and easily influenced by Don John, this is because of his extreme youth. Even without evidence Claudio was ready to believe Don John over Hero. When Don John delivers the news of Hero's disloyalty, Claudio and Don Pedro are quick to believe a fellow male soldier, without thinking that Don John could be lying. This could be seen as a contradiction as it was believed that â€Å"bastards† were not to be trusted. Don John referred to himself as a bad character saying; â€Å"I am a plain-dealing illain†, audiences may think that Claudio is not ‘a man of honour betrayed', as he is the one who is betraying Hero by believing the words of Don John. There are also many characters in the play that sympathize with him and believe that he is right to shame H ero. The honour code meant that if a friend got disrespected and dishonoured then it could affect other friends, in the same way that Don Pedro felt dishonoured. â€Å"I stand dishonoured, that have gone about to link my dear friend to a common stale. † Don Pedro supports his friend and believes that he is dishonoured, as it was him who wooed Hero for him. Due to the allegations about Hero, other characters in the play believe that they too are dishonoured. One of whom is Leonato, Hero's father. Leonato believes that Hero has destroyed the family's reputation and throws terrible insults at her as well as refusing to believe that she could be his daughter by saying; â€Å"No part of it is mine; This shame derives itself from unknown loins? â€Å". Before knowing the facts Leonato instantly believes that his daughter has ruined the family. It could be argued that Claudio invites sympathy as Don John tricks him into believing that Hero has dishonoured him. There are many different nterpretations to whether Claudio actually believes that he was betrayed. For example if Claudio genuinely believes himself betrayed then perhaps his actions can be justified, like in Kenneth Branagh's Much Ado About Nothing production, he makes Claudio's rage and hurt believable by making the witnessed infidelity convincing. To understand the presentation of Claudio's character it is necessary to consider him as a man of honour betrayed', which means the scene where Hero, allegedly, is dishonouring Claudio should be believable. In Shakespeare's time, a woman's honour was based upon her virginity and chaste ehaviour. For a woman to lose her honour by having sexual relations before marriage meant that she would lose all respect, a catastrophe from which she could never recover. Furthermore, this loss of honour would destroy the woman's whole family. Hence, when Leonato believes Claudio's shaming of Hero at the wedding ceremony, he tries to obliterate her entirely: â€Å"Hence from her, let her die†. Moreover, he speaks of her loss of honour as an unforgettable stain from which he cannot distance himself, no matter how hard he tries: â€Å"O she is fallen / Into a pit of ink, that the wide sea / Hath rops too few to wash her clean again†. Leonato is prepared to align himself with Claudio rather then his own daughter. The illusory betrayal of Claudio's ‘honour' becomes Leonato's dishonouring as she has ‘smeared the family name'. Honour was a frequent theme in some of Shakespeare's plays and was also common in that period, for example in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, Brutus says â€Å"Believe me for mine honour, and have respect to mine honour that you may believe†. Mowbray states in Richard 11 â€Å"Mine honour is my life; both grow in one/Take honour from me, and my life is done†. This shows the importance of honour in that period. Claudio speaks of Hero as an ‘object' by referring to her as a â€Å"jewel†. Claudio's tendencies to see Hero as an object was because he had no intimacy with her and perceived her as a commodity. His language portrays the differences between his and Benedick's love. The way Claudio speaks of his love shows the audiences that Claudio is not very romantic, which could affect how audiences would think of him. Audiences might dislike Claudio because he is not the conventional romantic character like ‘Romeo'. Whilst talking about Hero, Claudio sometimes uses blank verse. His speech seems more constructed and artificial then others, which has the effect of making him sound less genuine. He doesn't talk about Hero with passion, whereas Benedick uses poetry and sonnets to show and represent his love towards Beatrice. There is irony in the play when it comes to the denunciation of Hero, where Claudio speaks with passion to Hero for the first time, out of hatred. This shows audiences that Claudio did not love Hero truly otherwise he would not have been so quick to judge her. In act 4 scene 1 he likens her to an animal; â€Å".. or those pampered animals that rage in savage sensuality†. However, it could be said that after Claudio finds out the truth he knows that he has wronged Hero. He tries to renew Hero's reputation by marrying Leonato's niece even if she is an â€Å"Ethiope†, which means that he was truly apologetic. Some critics argue that Claudio has a business like approach, it can be argued that he only wants the estate, before Claudio married Hero he was fully informed about the property: â€Å"Hath Leonato any son, my lord? † In aristocratic society, people were dependant upon marriages of conveniences based on status and property, which could mean that Claudio is not a man of honour betrayed, as he only married for onvenience. Before Claudio went to war all he thought about was fighting but as soon as he has finished it is time for marriage. When he had finally come from war, audiences can tell that he is ready for marriage as one of the first sentences he says are â€Å"I would scarce trust myself, though I had sworn the contrary, if Hero would be my wife. † Critics can also argue that ‘war' can be seen as a central metaphor, the men return from war and instantly convey the values engaged on the battlefield into the domestic arena. ‘Love' is presented by Shakespeare as a form of warfare with the sexes battling it out. However, it is not a fair fight because women, unlike men, can not physically defend their honour. Hero's honour is betrayed, but there is little she can do about it. Claudio uses the metaphor â€Å"beauty is a witch†, even before his relationship with Hero, Claudio started showing that he was already suspicious of her -seeing her as an Eve, a betrayer of men. This emphasizes what he felt about women and reflected a popular renaissance view – that women were untrustworthy. It may be argued that Claudio lived in a society that was very misogynistic; during that period much of the fiction included misogynistic views. In the renaissance period people used to live by the bible, this is where the idea of male superiority came from. The story of Adam and Eve blames Eve for tempting Adam to eat the fruit. Thus, it was the woman who was morally weak. In Genesis, Chapter Two vs. 21-25 it says; â€Å"and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman.. † Women were ‘made from men' reinforcing the illusion of inferiority. In renaissance times it was believed that women were deceivers and were there to tempt, just like Eve. It could be argued that Claudio was not to blame for his reaction to Hero, as he was erely reacting as men would at that time as it represented Elizabethan values. Benedick has similar values, believing that if he gets married he would be cuckolded; â€Å"I will live a bachelor†. There are endless Elizabethan jokes about cuckoldry, which reveal a general fear of infidelity that was perceived as dishonour. It was believed that the honour code was important and that soldiers such as Claudio were supposed to behave with chivalry. Audiences might have found it hard to sympathize with Claudio even in the Renaissance period because he was not behaving n a truly chivalrous manner. His behaviour could be seen as unacceptable and immoral as he treats Hero in a shameful way. However, Claudio's behaviour can be seen as acceptable once audiences understand the honour. Claudio's honour was so important to him, but when Hero allegedly cheated on him, he believed that it was only right to shame her. Claudio could have been seen as a victim of gossip within the play as he was lied to and manipulated by Don John to fulfill his plan. However despite this, Claudio changed his mind about Hero and instantly believed that she had done wrong. In conclusion, it could be argued that Claudio was not at fault. He was just mirroring the values of renaissance society. It is important to understand how social status and honour worked in the renaissance period to understand Claudio's cruelty. He was a ‘man of honour betrayed' and to understand what he did to Hero, audiences would have to consider that he thought that he had been betrayed. Nevertheless, it would be hard for any audience to sympathize with Claudio, as he did not behave with chivalry. However, Claudio realized his mistake and was willing to marry Hero's cousin.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

McDonald’s vs Burger King: Which is Healthier Essay

The United States has the largest fast food industry in the world, and American fast food restaurants are in over 100 countries. That alone tells you that millions of consumers partake in fast food. By definition, fast food is food that can be prepared and served very quickly. A typical fast food meal in the United States includes a hamburger, French fries, and a soft drink. Out of all of the fast food restaurants in the United States, there are two companies that comes to mind that are the biggest chains in the country. Those two fast food chains are Burger King and McDonald’s. These two companies own more than half of the fast food market in the U. S. With that said, in the past couple of years there has been concern over the obesity rate in the United States. People believe that fast food is a factor because of how easy it is to get it and the price range of it. Because of the perceptions of fast food, every one is looking to the biggest fast food chains to set the example and make their menus healthier. McDonald’s and Burger King are the two fast food chains trying to convert their menu to provide healthier foods, each in their own way. Before looking at the menus of both fast food chains, one has to understand the history. What made them who they are today? How was it created? When did it go public? The first restaurant is McDonald’s. In 1937, Patrick McDonald opened â€Å"The Airdome†, which was a food stand in Monrovia, California. Hamburgers were ten cents and all you can drink. In 1940, his two sons, Maurice and Richard, brought the food stand from their father and moved the entire operation 40 miles and changed the name to â€Å"McDonald’s Bar-B-Q† and served 25 barbecued items on their menu. In October 1948, the brothers realized that most of their profits came from selling hamburgers so they closed down the establishment. On December 12, 1948, the restaurant’s name was once again changed to â€Å"McDonald’s† and went to a menu of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, shakes, soft drinks, and apple pie. After 5 years of growing popularity and success the brothers decided to start franchising the restaurant. One year later, Ray Kroc, who sold Multi-mixer milkshakes machines, learned that one of the McDonald’s restaurants were using eight of his machines and he decided to take a look for himself. After meeting with the McDonald brothers, Kroc thought that they could franchise the restaurants throughout the country. The brothers did not think the same way so Kroc decided to take it upon himself to do so. By 1959, Kroc had 102 successful restaurants in the United States and by 1961 Kroc brought the business rights from the McDonald brothers for about three million dollars. Like McDonald’s, Burger King also has a long and rich history. It was founded in 1953 in Jacksonville, Florida as Insta-Burger King. Inspired by the McDonald brother’s original store location in San Bernardino, California, the founders and owners, Keith J. Kramer and his wife’s uncle Matthew Burns, began searching for a concept to open a new restaurant around. After purchasing the rights to two pieces of equipment called â€Å"Insta† machines, the two opened their first stores around a cooking device known as the Insta-Broiler. The Insta-Broiler over proved to be so successful at cooking burgers; they required all of their franchises to carry the device. With their new success in the way they cooked burgers, the company had rapidly expanded throughout the state of Florida until its operations totaled more than 40 locations in 1955. By 1961, Insta-Burger King ran into financial difficulties and the pair of McLamore and Edgarton purchased the national rights to the chain. It was rechristened as Burger King of Miami. The company would eventually become the Burger King Corporation and began selling territorial franchise licenses to private owners across the United States by 1961. As I stated in the beginning of my essay, I wanted to compare the two menus between Burger King and McDonald’s. Even though both restaurants are into selling hamburgers, how they are cooked and presented separate these two companies tremendously. For McDonald’s, they have added other items to their menu since the original restaurants opened back in 1948. They added a breakfast menu back in 1972 in which they sold certain breakfast sandwiches such as the McMuffin, which came in certain amounts of variations. There are also types of biscuits and breakfast burritos. Additional breakfast items include hotcakes, several breakfast platters with eggs, hash browns, and meats or breads. As you know, for lunch, McDonald’s serves many sandwich options such as the Quarter Pounder, the McDouble, which is the double cheeseburger, and chicken sandwiches, which they call a McChicken. The trademark sandwich for McDonald’s is called a Big Mac. It was introduced nationwide in 1968. It consists of two 100 percent beef patties, American cheese, â€Å"special sauce†, which is based off a Thousand Island dressing, iceberg lettuce, pickles, onions, and served in a three-part sesame seed bun. Other items on the menu consist of Chicken McNuggets, Chicken Selects, which is the McDonald’s version of chicken strips, Filet-O-Fish, and a McRib, the McDonald’s Rib Sandwich. Burger King’s menu predominantly consisted of hamburgers, French fries, soft drinks, milkshakes, and desserts. In 1978, the company introduced the first iteration of its breakfast menu. The breakfast menu remained almost identical to the McDonald’s offerings until 1983 when Burger King introduced its Croissan’Wich, which comes in many variations like the McDonald’s counterpart, McMuffin sandwich. For the lunch menu, there is little difference between the Burger King and McDonald’s Menu. The counterpart of McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets is called the BK Chicken Tenders, which made its debut in 1985. For Burger King, they have two trademark sandwiches. The first one is the counterpart of the McChicken, which Burger King calls the BK Original Chicken Sandwich. It made its debut in 1978. The other sandwich is called the Whopper. Introduced in 1957, it is one of the best known sandwiches in the fast food industry. The Whopper consists of a flame grilled quarter-pound beef patty, sesame seed bun, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, ketchup, and sliced onion. Now we get to the meat of the conversation. Both companies have been trying to add healthier choices to their menu for years now. For example, McDonald’s had to battle its public image as a purveyor of fatty, unhealthy food. Consumers began filling lawsuits contending that years of eating at McDonald’s had made them overweight. So in 2003, McDonald’s introduced a low calorie menu of low-calorie items and they also switched to more healthful cooking oil for the French fries. Burger king is no different to the criticism of their food. Since the 1980s, several parties, including the Center for Science in the Public Interest, the British Heart Foundation and the City of New York argued that Burger King has contributed to obesity and unhealthy eating behaviors in Western nations by producing products that contain large amounts of salt, fat, trans-fat, and calories. With that said, it is common knowledge that neither McDonald’s nor Burger King is the healthiest option if you are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let’s examine at the major items that both of these fast food chains provide and see which one is healthier. Starting with the French fries, a medium order from Burger King will make the customer consume 400 calories, 20 grams of fat, 43 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of protein. The same amount for McDonald’s will provide 20 calories, 7 grams of fat, 19 grams of carbohydrates, and 3 grams of protein less than Burger King’s French fries. So apparently McDonald’s wins in French Fries, for cheeseburgers, McDonald’s are not only lower in calories versus Burger King at 300 to 360, but also in fat and carbohydrates as well. They are also significantly higher in protein. Now for the main event, the Big Mac versus the Whopper, both of these burgers are the most popular menu item for both of these respected fast food chains. Which one is healthier? The Big Mac contains 540 calories, 29 grams of fat, 45 grams of carbohydrates and 25 grams of protein. The Whopper, on the other hand, contains 670 calories, 39 grams of fat, 51 grams of carbohydrates, and 27 grams of protein. So in other words, the Big Mac is Healthier. After looking at the other items that Burger King and McDonald’s provides head to head, Burger King has the edge in terms of its chicken products. Now the big question is who has the healthiest menu? To be honest, it depends on the menu item you choose to buy from either one of these food chains. If you want a good burger that will not do that much damage to your diet then McDonald’s is the way to go. If you are looking to eat a Chicken Sandwich, it looks like the Burger King should change their name. In conclusion, when asking the question of which fast food chain is healthier it is safe to say that there is no clear-cut answer. Even through McDonald’s, when looking at the nutritional stats of each item compared to Burger King, wins in the Burger section. We as consumers have to realize that â€Å"fast food† is not healthy in the first place. These two fast food chains have rich and interesting histories that contributed to how and what they sell to their customers. Each menu has been tweaked in order to fulfill the needs of the consumer over the years. Every consumer prefer to have their own method of buying items, so the best advice I can give is to do your own research beforehand. It is also important to show that you should limit the amount of fast food you eat on a regular basis in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Music Lyrics Do Not Promote Violence

Music Lyrics being NON-VIOLENT Rap music can be considered a style of art, and a way for the artists to express feelings through their words on paper. However, there are quite a few rap artists that get criticized for their lyrics. In my essay, I want to discuss why rappers use certain lyrics in their music and why people shouldn’t believe that it causes violence among the younger generations. People shouldn’t censor the music just because of violent, vulgar and abusive messages it promotes to the world. I believe in my own mind, that there is a reason for these types of lyrics that rap artists use and I will simply explain those reasons in this essay. Rap has been called one of the most important music forces to emerge in two decades. It’s pounding beats and staccato rhymes exploded on the streets of the urban America in the early 1980s and since have become the theme music and lyrical heart of the vibrant youth culture called hip-hop ( SIRS 1993). There are many different types of rap artist. There are some that talk about money, some talk about righteousness, and the list goes on and on. Every rap artist had their own way of expressing themselves. There are those that talk about sex, drugs, and violence who receive the negative attention( SIRS 1993). People, think this so- called gangster rap is a bad influence on children in the world and that it promotes violence and that it also is abusive to women. Delores Tucker, head of national congress of black women has been among those pressuring different record companies to stop distributing gangster rap music. There were other significant names that participated in this action. Names like Senate Majority leader Bob dole, and former education Secretary William J. Bennett(Surveys, pg. 1). There are some rap artists that have been openly criticized for their lyrics. Rappers like Lil Kim, Too Short, Snoop Doggy Dogg, and a member from â€Å"Too Live Crew,† named Luke Skywalker. These rap artists in the past have been appointed for the things they say in their music. Lil Kim talks about sex in her music, Too Short talks about drugs, sex, and how much of a pimp he is, and Luke Skywalker talks about girls and sex. The lyrics that these rap artist use in their music might not be suitable for everybody to listen to but I don’t think their music should be banned or criticized because you don’t have to listen to it if you don’t choose to. Rap music, how much influence does it really have on it’s youthful listeners? Many, from record company executives to high school students agree that it plays a critical role in the lives of many tans, affecting the way they dance, dress and speak(SIRS 1993). Personally, I feel that rap music is a form of art. I think it takes a great deal of talent to write lyrics that rap artists write, because you have to use metaphors and similes, and at the same time get your point across so the listeners can understand. I give rappers a great deal of credit because I know it took them a long time to get where their at today, and I know it takes a tremendous amount of time to write a song. It’s also true and I strongly agree with that rap artists use lyrics that reflect on their childhood and the way they grew up. That could be the reason why gangster rappers and rappers talk about sex, drugs, and violence in their music because that was what they were exposed to through out their life. Rap artists generally write about what they know because it is easier to write about things and situations that you know, and if sex, drugs and violence is what you know about, then you are going to write about situations that involve those subjects. Not just write about them in hopes to cause more violence in our world. Young rap fans caution it is wrong and simplistic to believe music can dictate their actions. Upbringing and circumstance steer a child’s behavior, they say, not a record on a turntable or a performer posturing on stage(Newsweek, 1998). There are other reasons why gangster rappers should not be criticized for their lyrics. One reason is that I would rather hear gangster rappers talk about violence on the streets than them actually going out on the streets and participate in the violence. Another reason why rappers shouldn’t be criticized is because the world was violent long before rap was invented, and it is not rap music that is making the world more violent then it is already. I strongly believe that people have the freedom of choice to listen to rap music and if you don’t like what rap artists talk about, then you do not have to listen to the music. If people didn’t have a choice that would be one thing, but as long as people have a choice to do or not to do something then they shouldn’t try to criticize it. To me, rap music is more than a strain. It is the reflection of horrible suffering, struggle and pain of the ghetto life. I feel that art reflects life, so I ask myself why aren’t the National Black leaders like Delores Tucker, more concerned about where the source of rap music exists than the work denuding these types of harsh conditions(SIRS 1993). â€Å" I think that kids know the difference between right and wrong, music and reality. They know it’s not right to go kill somebody and if there driven to that, that’s not the fault of the music,† says Jon Shecter, editor of The Source, a rap magazine(SIRS 1993). If the people throughout the world that criticize gangster rap music would begin to really care then they would try to find and fix the conditions that this art of music comes from and stop criticizing the artist. In other words, the abusive language and rise of violence found in most gangster rap songs are the reality of our present day society. Americans should be mature enough to realize that not talking about something won’t cause it to go away. People talk about the violence of gangster rap music, but look at the violence we see on television everyday, on almost every channel you turn to. Violence is everywhere, you might see or hear something violent every day of your life, whether it is on television, radio or in real life. Violence has been existing for hundreds and hundreds of years, gangster rap music hasn’t remotely made violence more intense or worse than it already is( Surveys, pg. 1). So is it then fair to pin point rap music and blame it’s lyrics on the violence happening around the world? Teen-agers, both black and Latino, say it is the driving beat that attracts them and many other young people to rap. That, and the music’s honesty(SIRS 1993). It’s not the guns and drugs that make them like the music. The rappers aren’t saying to solve a problem you must kill, they are just stating what they know. In which, ever since they were young, that violence around them always ends in a shooting or stabbing, so is it right to blame them for singing about it when really they learned it from television? Sex in rap music shouldn’t be criticized either because look at all the pornography that is in the world today. There are magazines that are being sold nearly everywhere. They have triple X rated movies that could be purchase and you could rent these kind of movies at your nearest video store(Showbiz, pg. 1). So, lyrics that talk about sex can’t hardly be no worse than the movies and magazines being sold all over the world today. When rappers talk about drugs in their songs, they could be talking about how drugs were used in their neighborhoods growing up, and maybe they had to sell drugs for a while to put food on their table( Newsweek 1998). I feel, people get confused about what the rap artist is trying to say to people. They are missing the whole point. Just because rap artists talk about drugs in their songs doesn’t mean they are actually selling the drugs or using the drugs. These rap artists are making thousands of dollars just by making records, why would they go out and sell drugs? That doesn’t make any sense. There are plenty of artists that are positive, and speak positive aspects in their music about life, like A Tribe Called Quest, the Roots, De La Soul, and many others. So for those that think that rap music has a negative effect on children, and people in the world, there are a lot of rappers that speak unity, and things that are positive about life(Showbiz, pg2). If a person could listen to some of these positive rap artists, they could learn about life. There have been plenty of times where I was in a terrible mood or I was upset about something, and I popped in a CD of a rapper, and after I was finished listening to the CD I felt much better. The words and phrases used, are words of actual life events and the positive things or outcomes of them. In conclusion, I speak in favor of gangster rap, and I don’t think people should criticize these rap artists because they are speaking the truth. Situations they’ve been in are shown through their lyrics and we need to try to find the source of the problem instead of criticizing the person speaking about the problem. Drugs, Sex, and Violence are what gangster rappers are considered to be glorifying, but drugs, sex, and violence was in effect long before rap music was even thought of and so we shouldn’t use the type of music against the type of behavior caused by teens around the world. Word Count: 1667