Saturday, December 28, 2019

Nursing Health History and Care Plan Free Essay Example, 4250 words

The client was breastfed purely during the first three months and on the fourth month, vegetable and fruit juices are slowly introduced with no known adverse reactions or allergies noted. The client, G, is a six month and 27 days old male with a height of 71.5 weight 8.5 and a physical development appropriate to his age. The mother of the client rates his child s health as 9/10 with chief complaints of a cough that worsens at night, difficulty in breathing, running nose, and audible wheeze. In one year, the mother of the client would want to fully develop and strengthen the immune system of her client. The mother of the client stated that her child s immunizations are up to date. Client s mother states that she visits the GP when she feels the child is unwell. On the other hand, she admitted that she and the father of the child smoke 5 -10 sticks of tobacco per day making the child exposed to tobacco smoke while the parents are at home. The client is lying with his upper torso eleva ted in bed. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Health History and Care Plan or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The skin is pink and noncyanotic. The texture of the skin is soft with no apparent lesions. No swelling or edema noted.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Kingdom Of Heaven And Jesus s Mission On Earth

One dominant study from the New Testament has been The Kingdom of Heaven as it is believed to be the central theme within the novel and Jesus’s mission on earth. The phrase ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is supposed to be the Kingdom of God, in which those who are spiritual believe in his existence in their hearts leaving this ‘kingdom’ as the place where God is unfolding his divine plans (Walvoord, 2015). Christians believe that God is the creator of all things and sovereign over the universe however the Islamic faith believe that God sent prophets to teach his laws and one was Muhammad. Christian texts represent the concept of the Kingdom of Heaven to be the exercise of God’s power and dominion. The Christian faith in contrast to Islamic beliefs, ow sacred texts are interpreted with parables, how they represent beliefs and how religious founders taught will be discussed throughout this essay. The Bible is a sacred texts to religions such as Christianity, it not only holds stories and rules or expectations to follow but hidden messages from God about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Parable of the Sower represents four different ways the word of God from the Kingdom of Heaven can be interpreted by evaluating the condition of four types of hearts from humanity. Jesus explained to the people that a farmer had gone out to sow his seeds. Referring to Matthew 13 versus 4-6, explains the first two kinds of people. â€Å"As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came andShow MoreRelatedThe Kingdom Of God : Central Message Of Jesus1283 Words   |  6 PagesThe kingdom of God was the central message of Jesus. The term â€Å"kingdom of God† is used very frequently throughout the gospels. For example: â€Å"The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news† Mark 1:14-15. In reply Jesus declared, â⠂¬Å"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.† â€Å"How can a man be born when he is old?† Nicodemus asked. â€Å"Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother s womb to be born!† Jesus answeredRead MoreChristian Church And The Mormon Church1326 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon Church) considers itself unequivocally as a Christian church, there are number major differences between traditional or mainstream Christians and the Mormon Church. This research paper primarily focuses on identifying major areas of differences between the mainstream branches of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant - as a group) and the Mormon Church. Origin Christianity traces its origin to Jerusalem in approximatelyRead MoreThe God Is Blessed By God1313 Words   |  6 PagesGod has in store for us the believers. So what does it really mean to be blessed by God? Let s start by remembering how God blessed Abraham. The story of Abraham is one of the most powerful stories of faith ever. Thousands of years have passed and his testimony still changes and has an impact on so many people. God literally asked Abraham to leave everything behind; his country, people and his father s household and go to a new land, completely unfamiliar to him. Abraham, without knowing where heRead MoreThe Holy And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ995 Words   |  4 Pagespurpose to the Church who, like a bride, awaits her groom. The eschatological reality of the coming Kingdom of God, inaugurated in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, presently breaks forth to forms the Church for its mission. 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Through these three, Wright believes that God intends for the â€Å"kingdom of the world to become kingdom of God† in which â€Å"the beauty of this world will be enfolded in the beauty of God†, only completing his rescue operation â€Å"when the present world is rescued, healed, restored, and completedRead MoreThe World s Largest Religion1291 Words   |  6 PagesFinal Exam Essay Christianity is the world’s largest religion (Stark, R. 2012. 494). Currently with around two billion followers worldwide who are focused on Jesus Christ. He lived in the â€Å"Holy Land† known as Israel, two-thousand years ago. Christianity outstandingly has a great reach on the world; Christmas is celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ which has become a government holiday in the United States. Christianity having such a large number of followers is the only religion in the world withRead MoreThe Book Of Revelation By John The Apostle1726 Words   |  7 Pagesbelievers by showing the final outcome of God s plan, showing the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and revealing Christ in all his glory. John writes to encourage the faithful to resist the demands of emperor worship and hold fast to God s promises: that the final showdown between God and Satan is imminent, the believers are sealed against spiritual harm and will be vindicated when Christ returns, the w icked will be forever destroyed, and God s people will enter an eternity of glory and blessednessRead MoreThe Orthodox Christianity Essay1332 Words   |  6 Pagesdistinct in the way they relate to each other (Mere Catholicism). The Son of God, in the name of Jesus, has his main task on Earth which is to reveal the face of the Father as stated in John 14:8: Whoever sees me, sees the Father. This suggests that everything He does is a mirror of the Father. His revelation of the Father through His prayer can be described as reaching down into depths beyond words (Jesus of Nazareth reading). These prayers tell the following about the Father: (1) He is a real presenceRead MoreMission Theology Of The Bible1203 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstand â€Å"Mission Theology† we first have separate the two words. Mission is the vocation or calling of a religion organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith (Oxford Dictionaries). Theology is the study of God or the study of the nature of God and the relationship between the human and divine. In the textbook we use for class which is called â€Å"Introducing World Missions† we are told that the word â€Å"missions† (which ending with the letter â€Å"s†) is the wordRead MoreN Africa Block Of Islam1405 Words   |  6 Pagespublished strategies as it relates to the Kanuri community, in the Chad region with the message of Jesus. The Kanuri has been neglected mostly in part to the being not able to reach them. The lack of these people should be unsetting to all that believe in doing mission work, It seem that someone within the last thousand years could have evangelize this community. Keep in mind Jesus died for all people, and it s because of this those that are redeem must at all cost we must reach them. This I have made

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program

Question: Discuss about the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program. Answer: Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) is an initiative by New York state aimed at providing Medicaid waiver for over five years amounting to $8 billion. The program has many underlying benefits; however, its core objective involved reducing avoidable hospitalization as well as restructuring the healthcare delivery system. According to research, the program was prompted by the need to improve health of the population as well as enhancing positive outcomes among patients. The program represents one of many initiatives that represents the government's efforts to expand and improve quality and cost of care. DSRIP has four main domains that focuses on the clinical and residents health improvement overtime (Schoenberg, M., Heider Rosenthal, Schwartz Kaye, 2015). DSRIP has key objectives of promoting the collaboration of different professionals in addressing healthcare problems as well s reducing the scope and complexity set by the costs of accessing quality healthcare. Domain 3 and 4 provides critical focus area since they touch on projects involving the people. For example, Domain 3 involves clinical improvement projects that incorporates aspects such as primary care and behavioral health services. Domain 3 also includes the provision of evidence-based strategies for disease management primarily in risky areas. Hence domain 3 improves primary care services and reduces the chances of diseases occurrence as it emphasizes on the use of evidence-based strategies for disease management (New York State Department of Health2015). It can also provide the ability to assist others in affected or risk areas. Domain 4 includes the population-wide projects which improves the individual mental health and drug abuse across systems or populations affected. It also promotes a reduction in tobacco use among minority populations and individuals with mental health problems. Domain 4 has been effective in promoting mental health and preventive substances abuse through enhancing the mental, emotional and well being. Its application is also critical to be used in reducing or preventing preventive chronic disease. References New York State Department of Health (2015). DSRIP Domain 4 and the Prevention Agenda. A reference guide for DSRIP Domain 4 projects implementation planning. New York State Department of Health. Retrieved from 06-08_final.pdf Schoenberg, M., Heider, F., Rosenthal, J., Schwartz, C., Kaye, N. (2015). State experiences designing and implementing medicaid delivery system reform incentive payment (DSRIP) pools. Retrieved from DSRIp Pools.pdf

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organizational Values Hulu - Netflix and Amazon

Question: Describe about Hulu, Netflix and Amazon (Prime). Answer: Hulu, Netflix and Amazon (Prime) are the digital streaming media services which aim to provide convenient and affordable entertainment. However, these companies portray certain unique organizational values as well. Netflix abides by nine core values, which include communication, judgment, courage, impact, innovation, curiosity, honesty, passion and selflessness. For example, an innovative tool recently developed by Netflix known as FAST, which helps in determining the speed of the internet and enables faster streaming of videos ("Which Video Streaming Service Is Best for You?", 2016). Hulu prioritizes their viewers, values big thinking, adopts better ways, believes in unity, embraces fun and values character. They also aim to connect and captivate people by redefining and creating stunning television viewing experiences. It is the only streaming service which provides current season content for its viewers from five largest broadcast networks of the United States. Amazon prime strives to establish themselves as the most customer centric company. They have achieved considerable success by facilitating a monthly subscription at a reasonable rate for its prime customers, which offers free videos and rentals with just one click, in contrast to Netflix, which charges for providing high quality movies ("Netflix vs Amazon Prime vs Now TV: Best streaming service of 2016", 2016). References Netflix vs Amazon Prime vs Now TV: Best streaming service of 2016. (2016). The Week UK. Retrieved 22 July 2016, from Which Video Streaming Service Is Best for You?. (2016). PCMAG. Retrieved 22 July 2016, from,2817,2489103,00.asp

Thursday, November 28, 2019

An Online MBA Helps Business Owners Essay Example

An Online MBA Helps Business Owners Essay Example An Online MBA Helps Business Owners Essay An Online MBA Helps Business Owners Essay The world of business is a competitive environment to be sure; and any advantage that businesses and business owners can take to stay ahead of the competition can give them an edge in achieving success. To this end, many business owners understand that a higher education can give them that edge that they desire. By obtaining a higher degree they have the opportunity to learn about modern advancements in their particular industry, as well as general business techniques that can give them a leg up on the competition. The most advantageous degree in this capacity is a Master’s of Business Administration or MBA. Earning an MBA can be an arduous task but well worth the effort, as it can open up a new world for business owners looking for more modern techniques for running their business successfully. Of course, earning an MBA is easier said than done, especially for those students who are already engaged in running their own business. With time being of the utmost concern, many students look for the option of earning an online MBA. An online MBA program is offered by many accredited colleges and universities; some which offer only online programs and some that offer a combination of online classes and on-campus classes. For those choosing to pursue an online MBA the benefits are clear; they can fit their class work and assigned readings into times that are appropriate for them and still run their business. While the workload is the same, students of an online MBA program save the time and inconvenience associated with driving to campus and sitting through traditional classes.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Cold War - Battle of the Superpowers essays

The Cold War - Battle of the Superpowers essays The Cold War began as an ideological struggle between the two superpowers that emerged in the aftermath of World War Two (WWII). The destruction of the former Western European balance of power post WWII allowed for new nations to emerge superpowers. The tensions that arose from the restructured bipolar balance of power sparked a global east/west rift that continues to exist today. From 1945 to 1991, the United States of America (USA) and the former Soviet Union (USSR) were engaged in an ideological war that resulted in a race to influence and thereby control as much of the world as possible. A costly race for better nuclear technology and more global influence ensued between the two superpowers, which created a global possibility of nuclear war. In 1945, the destructive capability of nuclear warfare was demonstrated when the USA dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan. The threat of nuclear warfare that arose seventeen years later in the Cold War thus evoked fear across the globe and heightened global tensions. The USSR and USA's respective endorsements of communism and capitalism throughout the world led them to directly implicate many countries in the Cold War and simultaneously made them susceptible to involvement in a nuclear war. The significance of the Cold War to world history is that the capitalist/communist stalemate had the potential of erupting into nuclear war, which affected not only Americans and Soviets, but implicated people across the globe. The USA and USSR's ultimate desire to end the balance of power stalemate between their respective world views of capitalism and communism caused the superpowers to pursue a race to impose their influence upon as many nations as possible, thus creating a global conflict that divided the world upon ideological lines and nearly resulted in the world's total nuclear destruction. A major component of the competition between the USA and USSR revolved around a costly arms race. Both ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

All-Weather Case Audience Analysis Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

All-Weather Case Audience Analysis Memo - Essay Example The VP is the primary audience in the conversation. The secondary audience includes the other four managers in the marketing department of the company, and the other seven executives. The number of audience determine how Miguel, Linda and Doug as they prepare to meet the marketing department. In order to pass the message about benefits of using the newly introduced performance appraisal system in the company, it is crucial to understand the audience first. In order for the speaker to convince the audience, he or she must defend each point in support of the message he wants to pass. In this case, the speaker must understand the working of the Web-based system and the unique features it has that rates it higher than the ordinary methods of appraisal. The speaker has to expect objection from the audience either due to ignorant about the new idea or its viability. The speakers need to create a favorable atmosphere to the audience to attract them to listen keenly as they explain the new idea. This system will help save on the time lost in managing the ever increasing documents of staff records in the company. Since the company has a large number of employees, it is necessary to keep track of each member of the staff and increase efficiency during staff appraisal. The system will enable the company to increase its net profit from the current $25 million by reducing the company expenses. Presently, the company is spending a lot of its income on running costs, which are unnecessary due to ordinary data handling

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Different Types of New Governments Assignment

The Different Types of New Governments - Assignment Example Choosing the best possible style for a given nation is no small task. We live in a world of extreme diversity. We have ethnic, cultural, racial, philosophical, ideological, and religious diversity all around us in the modern world. In order to meet the needs of a modern diverse world is to apply a new style of government altogether; it would be more a hybridization of the most beneficial elements of existing styles to form something new, sustainable, and more ethical in a diverse world. Present government issues involving political parties that refuse to agree upon anything and a President that refuses to compromise on his policies continually stagnate and stalemate the issues of this country. Many of the American people have grown more than tired, frustrated, and aggravated by the present government; reforms, changes, and innovations are definitely in store. The best suggestion would be a combination of several different approaches; A Constitutional Commonwealth Confederacy might be feasible. In a Constitutional Government is operated with an agreed upon a document, like the Constitution, that sets down the most basic and fundamental principles of the society they are hoping to govern. It determines, both, the powers and limitation of any government entity. A Commonwealth Government is a political entity that was founded on the idea of a unifying â€Å"compact,† which represents the people’s best interests for the common good. In this new government, the fusing of the Constitution form with the Commonwealth reliance on a â€Å"compact† is rather smooth. Finally, a Confederacy or Confederation is a union between the states and provinces that allows for a central government to exist but heavily limits the powers of that government (Melina, 2011). This grants greater powers to individual areas, as opposed to being overruled by a central government. This would likely create a more fair, organized, and balanced government structure that would benefit a society of diversity in ideas, beliefs, and religions.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Revised Resource requirements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Revised Resource requirements - Essay Example Revised Resource requirements Most importantly, though, the entire cost of new resources must not exceed the initial $3.5 million mark set aside for the whole project. Information about how past projects of the kind handled the problem of floods will be important in alleviating the menace and stemming cases of a project creep. In light of the new changes to resource requirements occasioned by the flood disaster, the cost of investment will likely go up past the $3.5 million mark. In order to keep the cost of investment low, the project team will need to carry out a painstaking re-evaluation of the new requirements, especially those that revolve round control of floods. Specifically, the team will need to re-draw the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to include flood disaster control activities alongside the original resource requirements. A comprehensive WBS that includes flood clearance and restocking of damaged materials will provide an accurate picture and estimation of the actual resources needed for the Mobile Cancer Screening project. Estimation of the amount of resources will enable the stakeholders to take stock of the additional costs and set up control measures to avoid a project creep (Kousholt, 2007). More effort will be needed to control the disaster and set the project on the path to success. Proper estimation of the additional effort will enable the project manager to deploy the right amount of resources for a time-cost trade-off in order to retain quality.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Organisations Motivational Practices and Reward Systems

Organisations Motivational Practices and Reward Systems In this task, what I have tried to accomplish is to outline how an organisations motivational practices and rewards systems can be implemented with the help of different motivational theories. For any organisation to be successful they need to motivate their workforce to work better so that they can perform better, hence providing quality service to the patients. Over the last century organisations have been dealing with the problems of having a technical aspect to the business and also a social aspect. Therefore, it is evident that the requirement of the people (employees) must be fulfilled in order to run a business successfully. There have been different motivational theories addressed with various rewards systems. However, here is what I believe that HNT should follow. I would like to see theories of Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg to be implemented in HNT for the best possible results. Mayo has talked about the Theory of human relations that concentrates on two main factors that is: The importance of teamwork: The sense of team spirit and doing what the team expected always increases motivation and the same can be done for Hargreen hospital. Small teams can be made and given responsibilities. The need for managers to take an interest in their workers (Hawthorne effect): If the superior shows interest in what their subordinates are doing and closely communicates then that gives a sense of importance and boosts up the morale of the employee.HNT needs to do the same in their organisation. Mayo received some criticism over his theory as well. It is said that the experiment carried out by Mayo are far from being scientific. Only groups with small number of workers were observed and the later experiments have failed to confirm the findings. Another thing that has been pointed out from Mayos theory is that the goals of managers will not be the same as for the worker despite their best effort. Trade may see these efforts as managements attempt to fool workers into boosting productivity. Maslow on the other hand talks about the hierarchy of needs. HNT should use this to understand what their employees want and how can they provide it to them. The hierarchy is as follows: Self actualisation: it means that HNT should arrange training, challenges and opportunities to develop the skills of employees. Esteem needs: HNT should give rewards for achievements, promotion and status. Love and belonging needs: There should be opportunities for teamwork, social facilities and a positive working relationship between the employees. Safety needs: The organisation must make sure that there are high standards of health and safety with job security and no bullying culture. Physiological needs: Organisations must pay decent salaries to enable the needs of employees to be met. The working hours should be comfortable and so should be the condition. There have been some opponents for Maslows hierarchy as they find the theory unconvincing on various grounds. They argue that any generalisation about levels of human needs is bound to have exceptions. There are cases where businesses would find that there are workers who are not interested in gaining praise or developing their personal skills. Workers like artists can even ask for creativity need before financial rewards. Another thing that is to be taken into account is that even if Maslows theory is good, it would be possible for workers to hold all levels of needs at the same workplace. If a person is satisfied with his or her salary then other levels of needs might not be that significant. Herzbergs Two-factor theory is also something that intrigues me. It has two set of factors Motivators: These motivate the workers by providing job satisfaction including: Sense of achievement Recognition of effort Interesting work Responsibility Hygiene factors: Everything that can cause dissatisfaction in the workplace are related to the working environment like Company policy Relationship with supervisor and colleagues Pay and status Security A major problem with Herzbergs theory according to several researches has shown that it cannot be applied to all workers in every business. Some jobs like low skilled cannot be enriched that easily and many workers may not see responsibility or advancement. In the above discussion I have tried to discuss different motivational theories and have illustrated their pros and cons. A mixture of these three motivational theories should be implemented in HNT. Rewards and recognitions both should be given in the shape of financial as in some sort of bonus or a paid trip to vacation spot sponsored by the company. Non financial acknowledgement can be given as a promotion or certificate or letter of appreciation that will make the employee feel good about working hard and will make them even more determined and hard working than before. BTEC National Certificate in Business Unit 16- HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS Task 2 (P4) Cooperation through contract of employment and employment involving techniques In this section, I will try to show the significance of cooperation in an organisation. The cooperation at any level in any company needs to be from both ends that is from the management side and the employee side. The two factors that contribute the most for the cooperation are the contract of employment and the employment involving techniques. For HNT to survive and retreat its good reputation that is being lost at the moment they need to have consent from both sides that is the employer and the employee. With the cooperation of both parties only it is possible to have a successful plan implemented and getting the desired results. Contract of employment: Clearly illustrates the terms and conditions to which both employer and employee has to abide by. If one of them violates the policy then the contract will be dismissed. Contracts states the date of beginning with employer and employee name on it. It clearly shows the responsibilities of both parties and what policies and procedures needs to be followed in the organisation. Like for HNT it will be mentioned that they are bound to pay the stated amount of salary on the contract to the doctor and if they fail to do so they can be accountable for that. The same goes for the employee if they dont work for the stated amount of hours then HNT has the right to deduct their salaries according or penalise the employee. Along different aspects that are covered in the contract, one of the important aspects mentioned is conditions of work and service. In that paragraph says conditions may include the following: The number of hours to be worked: When HNT is signing a contract with its employees the number of hours worked by individuals should be clearly stated. There are some limitations even according to visa policies and the employees should be asked to work within their limits. Appointment and termination: The clauses for appointment and termination are also mentioned where the employee and management is addressed to all responsibilities that are required to be adhered. The conditions in which an employee can be terminated are also explicitly mentioned so that when the contract is formed the employee exactly knows about it. The designation of the job: The designation for which an employee has been hired in the company will be mentioned on each and every contract. If an employee is a heart surgeon then his or her designation will be clearly written on the contract. Pay: What will be the salary of the employee being hired needs to be mentioned. Things like how the salary is paid? Will it be a basic salary or will it also be commission based? These things should be mentioned for HNT to be on safer side and for the employee as well. Benefits: If HNT plans to give out benefits to their employee then they should be written in the contract as well. It will tell what benefits are available to the employee and when. Disciplinary procedures: This shows what action will be taken by the Hargreen Hospital if there is a problem with doctors and nurses or the low skilled workers. Action is taken only if the employees in Hargreen Hospital fail to comply with the disciplinary or organisational rules and regulations or if doctors and nurses do full fill their responsibilities. It is important to Hargreen Hospital because if the doctors and nurses knows what action will be taken for example if it states that breaking rules leads to dismissal, this will encourage doctors and nurses not to break the rules so that they can to retain their job in Hargreen Hospital. It is important to the Hargreen Hospital because it can easily take action if doctor and nurses misbehaves because it was written in the contract. The contract of employment forces the employees to change their behaviour and behaviour according to the rules and regulations of Hargreen Hospital and this case the employee cooperates with the employer Notice: If an employee needs to leave the job or if the company is not happy with the performance of an employee there should be a notice period of at least one month that both the parties of HNT, management and employee, must obey. Grievance procedures: If there are complaint or issues by the employees of HNT there should a procedure mentioned in the contract that should guide the employees as to what they need to do to make a point. Employee rights: All the rights that are being possessed by the employee must be mentioned in clear words in the contract. If any employee wants to have maternity leave at HNT then it is their right to be given a paid leave and it should be written in the contract. All contracts have some express terms that are normally mentioned in the terms and conditions or the policy and procedure sections. These are the terms that are stated explicitly to make sure that both parties abide by them. For example the leave system, it can be explicitly stated that an employee cannot take more than 20 days paid leave. There are some implied terms as well that are automatically included to every contract. For example the Data Protection Act. If the company ask the employee to disclose sensitive data like religion, sexual orientation or the employee faces racial discrimination then the company is accountable for that and can be taken to the court of justice at any time. There are individual labour laws that protect employees from: Discrimination: HNT have to make sure that there is no display of discrimination from their side on the basis of age, race or disability. For example if a patient is discriminated i.e. due to his or her age, gender, race or colour, that patient has the right to report that doctor to court or to the authorities. Hargreen Hospital could then carry out an investigation and also provide further training for the medical staff. Pay: All employees doing similar jobs must be paid the same amount of money otherwise the employee has the right to hold HNT accountable in court. Absences: HNT have to make sure they provide paid leave to the employees especially maternity leaves and the employees have the right to ask for these leaves. Dismissay: Employees of HNT have the right not to be dismissed on disciplinary action for trade union activity or on health and safety grounds. Health and Safety Regulations: The health and safety regulations relate to the physical environment of Hargreen Hospital, relates to aspects like; safety entry and exit routes, safe working environment, and safe equipment which also relates to theory of motivating staff by Frederick Herzberg who believed that employees are only motivated if their hygiene factors are met first and then the organisation can use them to work harder. He believed that if the working conditions in an organisation are unsafe, then the employees will remain demotivated and if the organisation has safe working environment, the safe will be motivated. If doctors in Hargreen Hospital have safe equipments, they will use these equipments effectively to finish their jobs quickly for example during surgery and examinations. All these above stated points will give confidence to both the employer and the employee and provide them a good healthy relation to work together that will result in better performance of Hargreen hospital and lesser employee turnover rate. Employment involving techniques: It is another way of achieving organisational cooperation between the two parties. Its not just the legal binding between the employer and the employee that makes the work together but different techniques can be used that involves them both to work together. Here are some examples Quality Circle: HNT can assign a group of employees (doctors, nurses, technicians etc) under supervision to identify, analyse and solve work-related problems and present their solutions to management in order to improve the performance of the organization, and motivate and enrich the work of employees. Suggestion scheme: The company can also implement a suggestion scheme where all employees will have the right to give in their suggestion regarding a certain problem and then the management will address to it in the best possible manner and try to rectify it. Thus ensuring better working conditions and satisfaction to the employees. Communication groups: Different formal (finance dept, accounts dept etc) and informal (sports club, charity club etc) groups can be formed within HNT. These groups can be used often and then to socialise all the employee and management. This will allow the workforce to know each other better and will increase the understanding between them. Therefore, it will increase the performance of the workforce and a better repute of HNT. From the above discussion it is understandable that cooperation between the management and the employee is a key factor for the success of HNT. They have to make sure that they abide by the rules and make sure that the communication link between the superior and subordinate is always good and healthy just as said by Herzberg and Mayo in their respective motivational theories. BTEC National Certificate in Business Unit 16-HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS Task 2 (M2) Use of motivation theories in Hargreen Hospital In this section, we will try and compare the use of motivation in an organisation. We will start off with discussing the different motivations theories that we have discussed earlier and then see how they have managed to affect the effectiveness of an organisation. The three motivational theories recommended by me to HNT (Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg) can be used at different levels of hierarchy in the organisation. But first let us have a look at the use of motivation. If the motivational theory of Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg is applied to HNT it will definitely reduce the turnover rate and absenteeism as all the needs of the employees will be fulfilled and the coordination of subordinates with their superior will be much better. When the staff is more motivated then they can be used in a much more efficient manner than before. When the employee is provided with good health and safety measures and they know that they are secured they will obviously work better than before. Motivational theories have always emphasised on better relation and understanding between management and staff. Good relation on the basis of motivation can lead to resolving big issues such as industrial relationship issues and problems like strikes. A good motivated team of labourer would never want to go on strike when they know that all their basic necessities are being taken care of by their management. A planned, well trained and flexible workforce can only be built if HNT has a good motivational plan implemented in the organisation. This will benefit the organisation in the long run. At this point we can even recommend that HNT can use Mayos theory for all blue collar workers (porters, drivers etc) as it will provide them the sense of working in teams and would give them the idea of how important it is to have communication with their subordinates and peers. A combination of Herzberg and Maslow can be used for an efficient white collars (nurse, doctors etc) workforce as at this stage most of the staff is skilled or semi skilled and these are the people that HNT would want to retain for a longer period of time as they will be spending money to train them and they will have the expertise and knowledge that is vital for the companys growth. Last but not the least a combination of all three, Mayo, Maslow and Herzberg can be used for the gold collars (directors, CEO etc) at the top. They are the ones who have to do the decision making. They should be acquainted with each and every aspect of the organisation. Therefore, it is necessary for them to know about all three motivational theories suggested so that they can implement them all to their subordinates and the process goes on until the last subordinate. BTEC National Certificate in Business Unit 16- HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN BUSINESS Task 2 (D1) Ways of improving motivation in HNT In this section, we will try to suggest how different ways of motivation can be improved and then try to justify them. We will be giving examples where possible to make the point more clear. Taking into account the current situation it can be seen that the morale of the workforce is low at the moment. Due to this reason there is high turnover rate and also is the cause of absenteeism. For this matter Maslows hierarchy and Mayos theory of human relation can do wonders. If self actualisation is provided by the company to enhance the skills of their workforce then HNT will benefit from it in the long run. The more the employees get skilled the more will the service quality increase and thus increase the patient satisfaction rate. This will enable the employees to be motivated as they can be getting promotions for their good work. Thus the employees would not think of leaving HNT. The sense of working in teams will also be a vital player in the motivation of the employees. If the employee work together in teams they get to know their peers and other employees better. They develop better understanding that lifts up the performance of the whole organisation. The long and tedious hours of working and low security has also demotivated the employees. For this purpose Herzbergs two-factor theory is the best solution. A good motivator for the employees at this stage can be giving them interesting work to do. Cut down their long tedious shifts to normal sized shifts and give then different task every day. Provide them with facilities to relax a bit (the concept of breaks by Taylor can be used at this point). When HNT will do all this it will make the employee feel good about their jobs. Formation of formal and informal groups at this stage will also be beneficial for the organisation. The Hygiene factor at this point can be providing security to the employees especially to those who work at night. We know that there is high crime rate in that area. No employee would want to work in such a place living is by far out of question. So HNT must try to provide as much security as possible to all its employees so that they are not intimidated at any point of the day while working. As stated there has been a decline in the standards as well. This is also clearly a lack of motivation. There is lot of potential in the organisation but the work force the human element needs to be boosted up. The social aspect of the strategy must be understood and motivational theories at all level from higher, middle and lower level must be implemented in order to regain the good standards that HNT once had. If Mayo, Maslow and Herzbergs theories are implemented in a proper way in HNT the organisation can be up and running within a matter of few days. New recruitment from Poland and Germany will also work as a catalyst in this scenario. New workforce coming from abroad will make the working environment more competitive and employees if given incentive with proper rewards and recognition will strive to do better than ever. Motivation can also be improved among employees by using job rotation at work for example different nurses and doctors can be assigned to observe during surgery so that they can see how surgery is carried out. This gives them time to have new experiences and also this can act as an educational tour which can improve their skills. Employees can be assigned to perform tasks that porters do for example delivering mails or equipments to surgery room. The organisation uses this type of motivation so that doctors and nurses dont do the same job over and over which leads to boredom. Motivation in Hargreen Hospital can be improved by offering doctors and nurses some incentives for example free parking space, subsidised travel, vouchers, health insurance schemes, and nursery places for example if they are offered vouchers, it is like way of appreciating their services such instead of paying  £5 for a meal in Hargreen canteen, they can only pay half price which is their way of being motivated. Free parking space enable them to free to come in whenever they want because they will not charged for parking which allows them to do extra work for example the low skilled workers can come in on weekends to clean the hospital even doctors and nurses can come in do work on their own without inviting them. Offering nursery places allows doctors and nurses to bring their children to study at Hargreen Hospital which will all them to have spare time that they have been using to go to get their kids from schools but if Hargreen offers nursery places to doctors then they can bring their kids to the hospital in the morning and go back home with them in the evening.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Destruction of Macbeth :: essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At some point in the life of every individual, certain events and changes occur that shape the person into how they will behave and appear in the future. The life of an individual either starts to blossom with opportunity or starts going through a consistent downward spiral. How does it work out perfectly for some and go wrong for others? Macbeth is a prime example of how one decision can alter life forever. As Macbeth tries to successfully pursue his prophecies, his mind and body slowly deteriorate until he has nothing left to live for. Tillyard once explained that the human mind works through reason, will, and passion (Tillyard-The Elizabethan World Picture). These ideas are somewhat parallel to Macbeth’s actions. Once he begins feeling guilty of his actions, fearful of being caught, and driven to have total control, the motives of his mind are gradually moving from being thought out with reason, to will, and finally to passion. As Macbeth makes his desc ent into death, his passion to be king gradually takes control his whole being. At the lowest point of his existence there is no reason left inside him. His mind is so busy and crazy that he no longer has the ability to make thoughtful and insightful decisions. He goes from being a loyal and careful servant to a deceitful and scattered ruler.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth’s path into insanity begins when Macbeth first hears the witches refer to him as the thane of Cawdor and reveal that he will be the king (1.3.51-53). The prediction makes no sense to him and the thought that Duncan would no longer be king leaves him completely confused and fearful of the future. When he does become the thane of Cawdor, however, he immediately wonders if his prediction could really speak the truth. Macbeth imagines the King being murdered and himself becoming king but immediately shows regret and tries to forget ever thinking such an absurd scene (1.3.164). His regret for imagining this along with logic and reason force him to decide that if the prophecies are meant to happen they will whether he gets involved or not: â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/Without my stir†(1.3.155-156). Macbeth convinces himself that he will not interfere with the predictions at all. Despite his good intentions, when Dunc an crowns Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland, giving him the title of future king, Macbeth acknowledges that this is an obstacle that interferes with his prophecy of being king: â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/On which I must fall down, or else o’er-leap,/For in my way it lies† (1. The Destruction of Macbeth :: essays research papers fc   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At some point in the life of every individual, certain events and changes occur that shape the person into how they will behave and appear in the future. The life of an individual either starts to blossom with opportunity or starts going through a consistent downward spiral. How does it work out perfectly for some and go wrong for others? Macbeth is a prime example of how one decision can alter life forever. As Macbeth tries to successfully pursue his prophecies, his mind and body slowly deteriorate until he has nothing left to live for. Tillyard once explained that the human mind works through reason, will, and passion (Tillyard-The Elizabethan World Picture). These ideas are somewhat parallel to Macbeth’s actions. Once he begins feeling guilty of his actions, fearful of being caught, and driven to have total control, the motives of his mind are gradually moving from being thought out with reason, to will, and finally to passion. As Macbeth makes his desc ent into death, his passion to be king gradually takes control his whole being. At the lowest point of his existence there is no reason left inside him. His mind is so busy and crazy that he no longer has the ability to make thoughtful and insightful decisions. He goes from being a loyal and careful servant to a deceitful and scattered ruler.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Macbeth’s path into insanity begins when Macbeth first hears the witches refer to him as the thane of Cawdor and reveal that he will be the king (1.3.51-53). The prediction makes no sense to him and the thought that Duncan would no longer be king leaves him completely confused and fearful of the future. When he does become the thane of Cawdor, however, he immediately wonders if his prediction could really speak the truth. Macbeth imagines the King being murdered and himself becoming king but immediately shows regret and tries to forget ever thinking such an absurd scene (1.3.164). His regret for imagining this along with logic and reason force him to decide that if the prophecies are meant to happen they will whether he gets involved or not: â€Å"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/Without my stir†(1.3.155-156). Macbeth convinces himself that he will not interfere with the predictions at all. Despite his good intentions, when Dunc an crowns Malcolm as the Prince of Cumberland, giving him the title of future king, Macbeth acknowledges that this is an obstacle that interferes with his prophecy of being king: â€Å"The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step/On which I must fall down, or else o’er-leap,/For in my way it lies† (1.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Impacts Of Invasive Alien Plants Environmental Sciences Essay

Chapter 1Research on the impacts of invasive foreigner workss ( IAP ) on biodiversity, ecosystem services and procedures have been good documented in the literature. Furthermore, the primary focal point of this research was the negative impacts associated with IAPs when there are some benefits associated with these workss. Limited research has besides addressed the issue of IAP impact on the supports and wellbeing of local land-users. Sing that limited resources are available to turn to the issue of IAP at big, quantification of stakeholder perceptual experience is needed to maximize IAP direction. Through this thesis, an probe into the spread and impacts of IAPs in the rural parts of the Agulhas Plain every bit good as the perceptual experiences, utilizations, costs and benefits associated with IAPs and the importance of these workss to the supports of the local communities was carried out. The intent of this research is to supply a better apprehension of the possible impacts of invasive works species on the supports of people. This local cognition can help research workers by supplying context specific information about impacts, which can so be used for future preservation actions.MotivationThe damaging effects of IAPs on ecosystems and biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services the economic system of human endeavors and human wellness have been good documented in the literature ( e.g. Ging et Al. 2004, Nel et Al. 2004, Shackleton et al. 2007 ) . Invasion by foreign species have been reported as a major menace to the biodiversity and operation of sensitive ecosystems ( Turpie et al. 2003, Richardson and Van Wilgen 2004, Van Wilgen et Al. 2008 ) . It has been shown that invasive species are really successful in viing for resources with native species and can modify fuel tonss by altering the sum of litter autumn ( Behenna et al. 2008 ) . Invasive foreigner workss are besides capable of changing the natural food fluxs by switching the N content due to alterations in the litter autumn ( Behenna et al. 2008 ) . Dense stands of acacias along the rivers in the Western Cape replace and except native fynbos species ( Blanchard and Holmes 2008 ) . Invasive foreigner workss besides pose one of the greatest immediate menaces to flowered diverseness in the fynbos and have the ability gaining control huge sums of H2O ( Turpie et al. 2003 ) . In contrast, research researching the effects of IAPs on the supports of local, rural communities has received small attending ( McGarry et al. 2005, Shackleton et al. 2007 ) . Not all of the impacts exerted by IAPs are negative as these works species is a beginning of both costs and benefits ( Bardsley and Edward-Jones 2006 ) . Assorted workss have been introduced to South Africa for a assortment of intents ( Van Wilgen et Al. 2001 ) . These include species intrudes for harvest production, lumber and firewood, garden ornamentals, for dune stabilization and hedge workss ( Van Wilgen et Al. 2001 ) . Several of these have become established and some of the established species are now invasive ( Van Wilgen et Al. 2001 ) . Costss are experienced when these invasive species impede the operation of societal and ecological systems ( Bardsley and Edward-Jones 2006 ) . Benefits, on the other manus, are experienced when the same traits ( such as robustness and high fruitfulness ) that lead to these species going invasives, contribute to their utility ( Bardsley and Edward-Jones 2006 ) . Rural communities are exposed to IAPs in different ways ( Shackleton et al. 2007 ) . The result is that that these communities have to weigh up the tradeoffs between the possible positive benefits of IAPs as a natural resource and the negative impacts exercised by these species on ecosystem goods and services and in bend on human support ( Shackleton et al. 2007 ) . It is by and large accepted that the negative effects of IAPs on ecosystem goods and services are transferred straight to human wellbeing ( Shackleton et al. 2007 ) . This has been proven otherwise by research workers such as de Neergaard and others ( 2005 ) , Shackleton and others ( 2007 ) and Kull and others ( 2011 ) who illustrated that IAPs can be integrated significantly by local communities in their life styles as either a beginning of tannic acids and lumber, for firewood, constructing stuff, every bit good as for medicative extractions and fiscal income by selling of firewood. Working for Water ( WfW ) , an IAP obliteration programme, was launced in 1995 with the purpose of reconstructing natural capital by commanding occupying species and enhance H2O security ( Van Wilgen et Al. 1998 ) . Simultaneously, the programme aims to relieve poorness by supplying employment to underprivileged communities ( Van Wilgen et Al. 1998 ) . To day of the month, the WfW programme has developed into one of the biggest preservation undertakings in Africa with respect to manpower, costs and impact ( Ndhlovu 2011 ) . Immense sponsorships have contributed towards extended countries being cleared and a big Numberss of persons being employed ( Binns et al. 2001, Turpie et Al. 2008 ) . Conversely, the socio-economic benefits of the WfW programme have non been entirely assessed regardless of the programmes extended activities and significant sponsorships associated with it ( Turpie et al. 2008 ) . Additionally, the usage of these workss by rural communities is non good understood and rarely integrated into obliteration programmes as stated below: The deficiency of information on the socio-economic impacts of IAS has been singled out as a major barrier to the execution of comprehensive national IAS direction programmes and as one of the chief grounds for the failure of IAS issues to have conspicuously in the mainstream docket of most states ( Peter, 2009 ) . Quantification of stakeholder perceptual experience on the impacts of IAPs is indispensable in order authorize an statement for the control and direction of invasive works species ( Peter, 2009 ) . Though it is critical to understand anthropogenetic impacts on landscapes and ecosystems through ecological cognition of invasive species, an improved apprehension of the societal procedures is besides required to inform both species direction and preservation policy ( Peter 2009 ) . There is a deficit of information sing the socio-economic impact of foreign species soon found in South Africa. Even in good studied countries such as the Cape Floristic Region, the scope of the impact of invasive workss is ill understood. Additionally, limited research has besides been done with respect to the socio-economic impacts of foreign obliteration programmes in the Western Cape. Consequently, there is a demand for comprehensive research that investigates the holistic impacts ( both negative and positive ) of IAPs on the supports and wellbeing of local communities.Goals and AimsSing the above, the aim of this survey was to measure the effects and impacts of IAP infestation on human wellbeing, with the focal point on the effects of IAPs on the supports of rural land users in the Western Cape, South Africa. The chief research inquiry that directs the survey is as follow: What are the impacts of invasive foreigner workss on the supports of rural land users? This research inquir y was broken down into seven cardinal inquiries. These cardinal inquiries were adapted from the literature ( see McGarry et Al. 2005 ) .Cardinal QuestionsWhat is the significance of the natural environment to the community? What are people ‘s attitudes towards and perceptual experiences of IAPs? How of import are IAPs for human wellbeing and supports? Are the IAPs used for nutriment, for domestic demands, etc. ? Are IAPs sold to supply an income? Does the local community perceive IAPs as holding a positive or negative impact on spiritualty, civilization and/or aesthetics? How make IAPs in the country affect the supply of ( other ) ecosystem goods and services which are of import to people ‘s supports? What are people ‘s attitudes towards IAP direction? What are the impacts of IAP obliteration programmes on supports? What is the impact of IAP distribution on land-use patterns? What are the long-run and short-run additions and losingss for human wellbeing and support as a consequence of IAP impact? The survey site is extremely dependent on countries where rural communities are still extremely reliant on bring forthing an income from the land. Additionally, the survey site must besides follow with the usage of IAPs by the local community and in the same light IAPs must be potentially regarded as a job by the local community. The Agulhas Plain, situated within the Cape Floristic Region ( CFR ) , has been selected as the focal point country for this survey as it meets the above mentioned standards.Study countryThe Agulhas Plain ( AP ) is located within the CFR which is internationally known as a planetary biodiversity hot spot ( Turpie et al. 2003 ) . The CFR, known for its Mediterranean type clime, is the most floristically rich of the seven diverse biomes allocated in South Africa with an estimated 9600 works species of which 70 % are endemic ( Richardson and Sekhran 2009 ) . The AP, consisting an country of 270A 000 hour angle, is located at the southern-most tip of South Africa and is a species-rich country known for its fire-prone coastal lowland fynbos and infertile dirts ( Richardson and Sekhran 2009, Treurnicht 2010 ) . It is internationally recognised as a â€Å" Centre for indigenousness † ( Treurnicht 2010 ) . This country is nevertheless progressively threatened by habitat transmutation and foreigner works invasion ( Turpie et al. 2003 ) , the latter being the focal point of this survey. Fynbos wild flower agriculture and harvest home, peculiarly from natural flora, forms an built-in portion of this country ‘s economic activity and contributes vastly to this part ‘s agricultural sector ( Treurnicht 2010 ) . This has been shown Turpie and others ( 2003 ) who stated that natural fynbos flora are estimated to be accountable for 57.6 % of the CFR ‘s turnover, which were equal to R90.5 million in the twelvemonth 2000. The Agulhas Plain is practically responsible for the largest portion of this turnover ( Turpie et al. 2003 ) .Study restrictionsIt was non possible to make a systematic and thorough research in all the countries on the Agulhas Plain were IAP infestation occurs due to the clip restriction of this survey. It was therefore decided to make a elaborate and comprehens ive micro focal point i.e. instance survey on the socio-economic impacts of invasive foreigner workss and to garner every bit much consistent information as possible by agencies of interviews. Elim and the environing agrarian communities were consequently selected as the survey group.Study site choiceElim and the environing agrarian communities were chosen as the best suited survey site harmonizing to the undermentioned grounds: It was established during the visits prior and during the pilot survey that this rural colony and its neighbouring farms still relies on woody IAPs as either a primary or a auxiliary beginning of energy. It was noted during field visits that the countries surround the colony every bit good as the neighbouring farms are invaded to a significant grade. There has been active foreign obliteration programmes in the country since 1998 i.e. Working for Water every bit good as LandCare under the sections of Water Affairs and Agriculture severally.Thesis lineationChapter 1 – IntroductionChapter 2 – Literature ReappraisalChapter 3 – Methods, Results and DiscussionChapter 4 – Deductions for direction and policies

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ted Hughes Poetry The Contrast between Vitality and Death Essays

Ted Hughes Poetry The Contrast between Vitality and Death Essays Ted Hughes Poetry The Contrast between Vitality and Death Essay Ted Hughes Poetry The Contrast between Vitality and Death Essay Essay Topic: Literature The Poems of Ted Hughes Ted Hughes famously quoted What excites my imagination is the war between vitality and death. This is a key factor in the effectiveness of nearly all of Hughes early work the stark contrast between life and death, vitality and lethargy. In poems such as The Jaguar, Roarers in a Ring and Six Young Men, there is a severe and often brutally sudden transition between the two extremes. I found all of these poems, particularly The Jaguar, intriguing and enthralling; the respect that Hughes has for animals and humans who live their lives to the full is admirably enormous. In The Jaguar, the poet describes his disregard for the majority of the animals in the zoo he visits because they have accepted captivity and surrendered to a life free from care, excitement and interest. Most of the animals have lost the magic of their natural instincts. He disdainfully describes them with words like indolence and sloth and uses the simile like cheap tarts to describe the parrots. This insinuates that they are willing to strut and show off to anyone, as they have lost any sense of pride and self worth they once had. However, there is one creature that excites and captivates the crowds, and as the title of the poem suggests, has also left a lasting impact on Hughes. Instead of lazing around idly, the sleek black Jaguar spins from the bars and hurries enraged. Despite being deprived of his natural environment and his freedom, the Jaguar is full of movement, actively bursting with power and energy. Hughes is markedly enthralled by the way that the Jaguar seems to create his own space, even within the confinement of his cage describing the creature as having the world rolling under the long thrust of his heel. Hughes uses powerful and potent images such as the drills of his eyes and the prison darkness to make the poem come alive. The poem has an underlining high regard for the Jaguar; it is clear he retains his sense of dignity and power and is still very much a wild beast. He has certainly not accepted his life in captivity. Hughes accentuates the difference between the Jaguar and the other animals by describing the reactions of the crowd, who stare mesmerised at the Jaguar as a child at a dream. This simile is effective as it creates a real sense of awe and amazement; children cannot often be captivated so strongly, suggesting the subject is something truly incredible. Contrarily, he implies that the majority of the cages contain nothing but sleeping straw, and visitors tend to rush past such animals without even noticing their existence. As well as the movements of the crowds, the difference between lively and lethargic is very much highlighted by the metaphorical language used. The curl of a snakes body is described as a fossil not only appropriate because of the coiled shape but also because it gives the impression of being very old and in a state of inertia. Similarly, the apes are of no interest to the crowds because their only motions are idle actions to pass the time; they merely yawn and adore their fleas in the sun. To my surprise, even the tigers and the lions are too fatigued with indolence to excite an audience. The simile still as the sun demonstrates the arrogance and immovability of the Lions, and also illustrates their colour. All these static, lazy images are countered by the rage, strength and ferocity of the Jaguar who does not limit his spirit to the boundaries of his cage. The pace and rhythm of the poem is quite fast with short sharp words, often monosyllable to stress the simplicity of the trouble-free animals. In contrast, the pace slows down in the third verse when talking about the Jaguar, with considerably longer sentences and words such as mesmerised. Roarers in a Ring is a more subtle observation, in the form of a narrative. It is Christmas Eve and a group of farmers are attempting to conceal their sorrow with alcohol and false laughter. The situation the poet describes is immediately identifiable, making it all the more hard-hitting. The poem begins on a cold note, describing a starving fox a symbol of the harsh realities of nature and death. Descriptions like The moor foamed like a white running sea create an atmosphere that is bleak, cold and uninviting. In the second verse the farmers huddle around a fire, which instead of sounding cosy, sounds as if they are hiding from the outside world. Later, it is suggested that their unceasing laughter is not genuine but is like a ball being tossed in the air. Instead of actually being happy they are forcing themselves to laugh because there is nothing else they can do, and ultimately because they are afraid. The poet talks as if he is watching them and says, You would have thought that if they did not laugh, they must weep. He is saying that they are scared to drop the pretence of joviality, as they dont want to face the prospect of sober misery. Thinking rather than laughing loudly means they must realise what their fate is lest silence drink blood. In contrast to the way they toss laughter, and their lives up, towards the end of the poem there is a strong feeling of downward movement, with lines like bottomless black silence through which it fell and blindly, rowdily balanced, took their fall. Despite their apparent liveliness, there is a constant undertone of sorrow. In the sixth verse the poet depicts how the farmers grand bellies shook and then suddenly the line Oh their flesh would drop to dust at the first sober look. This cruelly reminds the reader how vulnerable and weak they are compared to the sharpness of the air new as a razor and the power of the moor and the world in general. The poem draws to an end with the deaths of the farmers, and pointedly closes with the insignificance of this; as the world went whirling still it carries on unchanged by their absence. Another of Ted Hughes poems entitled Six Young Men displays a more direct change from descriptions of the life and the mens enthusiasm to their tragic deaths in the First World War. The poem observes a photograph taken forty years ago which pictures the six men who died only months later. The mens expressions are timeless and although the men are very much dead, the photo is undoubtedly alive The men were at the peak of their lives and the contrast between their vigour and anticipation with the tragedy of their death is shocking. Hughes describes each of the young men in turn by how they looked in a photograph, their beautiful surroundings, their camaraderie and lust for life itself. However, at the end of each verse, a brief yet cuttingly effective line reminds the reader of the mens fate their faces are four decades under the ground ends the second verse and Forty years rotting into soil ends the fourth. This pattern is repeated, as the poet touchingly recalls how their clothes would not be fashionable today, but at the time their shoes shone, which reflects their respectability. It also makes an alarming contrast as in life they had taken pride in their appearance but in death, they have spent forty years rotting in the soil. There is a more detailed description of how the men died and Hughes reveals that he knew them and also the scene in the picture. It makes the reader wonder what relationship he was to them. I speculated whether he had lost all these friends in the war. Was he the one behind the lens who had taken the picture? The poem reflects on the passing of time, and it is states that nothing lasts. The tone of the poem is bitter but invariably becomes more softly spoken when Hughes is recalling memories of the men going on a Sunday jaunt. He reflects on the irony of their lives and talks about the mangled last agony one of the men suffered in hospital, while for some nobody knows what they came to. In the last verse, the poet claims that six celluloid smiles are no less alive than any man, but at the same no less dead than a prehistoric creature. Hughes feels very strongly about the photograph; it is a paradox, a contradiction that that they should be smiling, when with hindsight he sees too many reasons why they should not. Hughes remembers them twice in death shot by rifle or trying to save a friend, and preserved in his cherished photograph which has not wrinkled their faces or hands, and they live in his memory, young forever. All of these poems touch on the contrast between vitality and death, either comparing the two directly, or focusing mainly on one of them. It is obvious that Hughes found victory in the untamed will of the Jaguar, and admiration for the remarkable lust each of the Six young men had for life whereas he scorned at the farmers who led pitiful, timid lives which ended as uneventfully as they had existed.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay

buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay In the United States alone violence at school is about a quarter of all the violence that has been reported. In the past years one could not picture that school violence will end up in shooting, rape, murder and robbery the way its turned out to be. Research that has been done indicated that children in urban centers tend to grow in rampant poverty and as a result many of them opt to engage in criminal actions in order to survive. High levels of poverty fosses youngsters to take part in drug incidence as well as abuse of alcohol and some of these behaviors are great influences of violence. This is the reason the incidences of teenage pregnancy and crimes are very rampant in this places (Benbenishty Astor, 2005). Urban environment is characterized with rampant poverty which greatly contributes to the violence that is being witnessed at school. Joblessness and irregular employment is the daily norm of urban environment. As a result many of these youngsters lie idle most of the time and that is the reason they opt to take part in anything that will eliminate the boredom within them. This is the condition that the urban children adapt to and the people they interact with become their role models. Because these children are modeled by people of this caliber they end up being like them. They learn to handle weapons and use them at a tender age another character of these children is that they are easily provoked therefore they lack the ability to solve simple issues because they have been taught to use weapons. These trends continue to take root in the urban children from poor neighborhood and for these reasons such students do not see any problem in taking part in violent activities at school. There tend to see no issue in carrying fire arms to school because that is the only way that they know best in expressing themselves or making their points known to others. To urban children in poor areas crime is the only way of life that such children have ever known. Assessment of the family income of children that take part in violent actions at school has been estimated to be less than $7,500 per annum. Research has indicated that urban environment causes some risk factors to its dwellers. Some of the risk factors that were identified include individual risks, school risks, community risks as well as family risks (Schier, 2008). Risks that are considered individual includes aggressiveness of a person, delinquent friends, lower intelligence, abuse of substance, poor parental monitoring as well as absence of expectations by parents. Other times parents to these children maybe drug traffickers and these results in neglect and abuse of the child. Some of the risk factors that fall under the community include availability of drugs, broken families, drugs and weapons, economic deprivation as well as many transient populations. School risks may include academic failure, early delinquent character, gang involvement as well as lack of commitment at school. Therefore a productive rescue mission is the one that should involve community service, students, teachers as well as parents. Its also important to develop an evaluation system that is able to assess the happenings at our schools. On the other hand a proper communication system is necessary for efficient monitoring. In the United States violent behavior in school going children is on an increase thogh the research that has been done on the overall indicates that school crime have significantly reduced. Statistics that were done by the criminal department indicated a rise in school violent incidence from seventy one to eighty one percent in the past ten years. The results that were obtained also indicated an increase in the number of students who admitted that there were gangs at their schools. The presence of gangs at school and in the society greatly contributes in the number of violent incidents that are happening at the learning institutions. Violence at schools is not only limited to students because teachers have admitted that they have been threatened at least twice in every month with violence within the school premises (Schier, 2008). About two percent of all American teachers have been victims of school violence. On addition to that a good number of deaths have been reported at elementary schools as well as secondary schools as a result of violence. One of the points that the justice office has put forth is that most of this students do not naturally have criminal minds and for this reason this happens because of their surroundings. Some California professor commended that children of our time are prone to being raised by a parent who is a drug addict, been arrested a number of times; a parent that is not responsible of his children. One of the major issues that todays children face is abandonment, poverty and messed up parents. This explains why the modern children have developed violent behavior. For these reasons its important for communities to realize that something needs to be done urgently. Besides that they should learn to respect the desires of other children who are not involved in violence and have not fallen victims of violence. There are children who only seek to find a better life therefore the community should provide an environment that is conducive for learning and development. Education research that has been done indicated that school violence emanates from possession of weapons, cyber abuse, media violence, personal alienation, community and school environments as well as family environments. Between 1980 and 1990 more teens were reported to be accessible to fire arms and that is the reason there were more shots in school at that time. In a few years back about hundred students died violently at school and seventy percent of those deaths were fire arms incidents (Miller, 2008). Recent report that was published by the National youth Violence Prevention centre indicated that the number of teens who carry fire arms at school has significantly reduced. For this reason the harm at school has also reduced. The interviews that were done by this group indicated that 42% of all the students that were interviewed were assessable to guns, 17% have taken firearms to school with them whereas 28% have handled a gun without the consent of a grown up. Children reportedly access guns because about 35% of all United States families with teenagers have a minimum of one gun. Its therefore clear that about eleven million children come from families that possess firearms. A study that was done in 2007 indicated that children are able to illegal purchase guns. Therefore the American show rooms have become centers for illegal activities because they are busy selling guns to the wrong people. For these reason a bill has been passed to prohibit mentally ill patients, criminals as well as minors from accesssing firearms. Children tend to learn more from what they see than what they are taught and that is the reason why children that watch violent cartoon as well as real violent are prone to becoming more violent. Researchers have concluded that verbally aggression behavior as well as violence is on the increase due to media exposure. Youths develop violent emotions as well as thoughts from the videos and films that they keep watching (Miller, 2008). Cyber abuse is another factor that has led to school violence. Internet, messaging, e-mails have continually contributed to character erosion in school going children. Famous video games contain some forms of violence and this is one of famous practice among the students. Psychologists through research has concluded that children that spend most of their times watching video game tend to develop hostile personalities. For instance such children do not believe in forgiving because they know violence is the way forward. Messaging done through the cell phones as well as emails have provides grounds for initiation for more violence. Cyber bullying has become a common thing among the adolescents. In this case the adolescents threaten; taunt their peers through the usage of the media. The public health sectors have been able to single out a few cases as the cause of school violence and among them are issues like race, income levels as well as ethnicity. Some of the anti-social behaviors that may contribute to aggression include heavy drinking and smoking as well as suicidal attitude. This information is of great importance to the public health sectors since they are able to assess the health risks of young people. Family relationships as well as the type of friends a teenager associate with can also greatly influence their behavior. In brief the environment around the youth for instance the community, school, peers, and families have the capabilities of exerting influence of the behavior and attitude of an adolescent (Watson Skinner, 2004). The overall research that has been conducted has confirmed a fifty percent surety of schools becoming a violent breeding zone. This is in exemption of all other factors that have been singled to contribute to violence at school. Though, few teenagers are likely to join gangs its evident that there are gangs at schools. Discipline erosion is rampant in schools with high population. The likelihood of a big school having indiscipline is very higher than in small schools. Statistics have revealed that schools with a population of over a thousand students report high cases of indiscipline as opposed to schools with a population of less than a thousand students. The students who are likely to be affected by school violence are middle school students. The students who are more likely to avoid school because of bullying are eighth grade students. About 22% of all urban students between twelve and eleven years know someone of their age that belongs to a gang. A good example of such a scenario is a seventh grade boy who is attacked by a fellow seventh grade student. Research shows that there is high rate of violence at this age because the children at that age are at a tough adolescent stage. Another reason for this trend is that young teenagers do not have enough knowledge of social behavior and they are therefore hypertensive. The fact that these children interact for the first time their different backgrounds brings many issues (Watson Skinner, 2004). Buy custom Effects of Urban Environment essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Management and Leadership Coaching Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management and Leadership Coaching Models - Essay Example , a coach will consider differences in his own and the client’s personality, knowledge, abilities and skills which will assist him to tailor the specific needs of the person (Skiffington & Zeus, 2003). Contrary to this, situational leadership model to identify the variables in the situation at hand and change their management techniques to suit to the behavioral needs of an individual or group they are influencing. It ensures that leaders adapt continuously to accommodate changing abilities of their people and complex tasks over time. Behavioral change model can be applied in organizations when assessing covert actions such as anxiety and limiting beliefs in individuals. They work in assessing emotional and environmental vents as well as providing statistical proof of change with benefits. It cannot work when defining the progress of a person based on personal traits and characteristics. On the other hand, situational leadership can be applied to leadership only and may not work in other levels of an organization structure (Escondido, 1998). It is applied to address leadership behaviors such as telling people what to do, selling information and direction to followers, participating on relationship as opposed to direction and delegating responsibility to groups while monitoring the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Effect of e-readers on the publishing industry Assignment

Effect of e-readers on the publishing industry - Assignment Example ed that social exchange theory is taking place on an international level as the humanity has learned the art and science of communicating across cultures and borders. The internationalization of communication and socialization is identified as essence of the notion known as global village (Graham 1998). In recent years, leading technological companies have launched devices that have been blessed with the capability of helping people in accessing and downloading books and other kinds of literature. The old fashion and traditional practice of reading books in a printed format is ending. Major number of publications is being provided to public in an electronic format while the most used format is called Portable Document Format (PDF). The conventional method of providing printing books got very expensive and therefore, the major publishing companies such as McGraw Hill initiated to provide publications in an electronic format. The basic and fundamental purpose of using electronic devices as sources of accessing literature is to drive down the production costs whereas, the end readers are also provided with significant level of cost advantages. In summary, it can be urged and argued that availability and cost of printed information has notably increased and decreased respectively (Pan & Leidner 2003). The current period, the customers and common peoples information has considerably risen and therefore, companies and governments are facing problems in justifying their filthy practices from public. The publishing companies are offering books and research journals in e-format and they provide printed copies on special request only. The supporters of high involvement of technology in knowledge management argue that human mind is well accustomed to understanding materials in print format. They also suggest that human sensory centers are experiencing growing and noticeable level of stress because of focusing on screens. But, these potential disadvantages will subside as

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Diagnosis and data gathering based on a case study Peppercorn Dining

Diagnosis and data gathering based on a Peppercorn Dining - Case Study Example The study used both qualitative and quantitative approaches. This was appropriate variable in collecting and summarizing data that was used in analyzing about to analyze the organizational development and change of Peppercorn Dining and some mitigation measures necessary. As a result, the qualitative and quantitative research methods ensured reliability and credibility of the results. The design is also suitable because it gives an in-depth description of the phenomena in their existing setting. This fits well with the hotel staff who participated in the study while in their respective duties. Descriptive survey was also preferred because it is economical in collecting data from over a large sample with high data turn over. Data collection process Mark Tap consultants were assigned the duty of collecting the data in order to improve on how Peppercorn Dinning operates concerning their development and change. In their quest to obtain the needed data, the consultants will issue question naires to staff members and managers. Sample Selection The selection will be based on randomization principle, which is a procedure of giving every subject in a population an equal chance of appearing in the selection. Stratified random sampling will be used to select the sample population. After which, simple random sampling will be used to get the required the desired sample. Data analysis Data Analysis procedure The data collected was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Open coding was used to initially name and categorize the data, and selective coding was used to develop a more general framework. The study used frequency count, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum values of variables. The hypotheses formulated for the study tested using logistic regression. Quantitative data analysis was done to generate frequencies percentages and means. The resulting quantitative data will then be interpreted using simple statistical method. The questionnaires were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The data collected through questionnaire was classified on the basis of common attributes then tallied to obtain statistical frequencies, tabulated and finally analyzed using descriptive statistics. This helped to collapse large volume of quantitative data in numerical form for ease of statistical interpretation. Besides this, the ANOVA test was applied to find the significance difference among the opinions of different categories of the respondents. The qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions and interview protocols was analyzed by placing the responses into identical categories as described in NVivo software used for analyzing qualitative research data. Besides frequencies, the opinions of the respondents will be calculated into percentage. Interviews and observation Peppercorn Dinning has not embraced professionalism, in that anyone is assign to do a given chore on the basis of who come s first. It is disappointing to note that those who merit to be in finance, marketing and technological sections are thrown away to manual work such as cooking and cleaning. This was triggered by the fact that the students were allowed to seek for employment in Peppercorn Dinning with their academic qualifications notwithstanding. The academic qualification of the organization had not attained the proper skills the hire

Monday, October 28, 2019

Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment Essay Example for Free

Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment Essay The learning theory of attachment focuses of two concepts; operant and classical conditioning. Classical conditioning as an explanation for attachment describes the baby receiving food (and unconditioned stimulus) and producing an unconditioned response (happiness) and the mother feeding the baby will be the neutral stimulus. The baby will then experience the mother giving them food (and therefore happiness) a number of times and then learn to associate the mother (now a conditioned stimulus) with the feeling of happiness (a conditioned response) and thus an attachment will form. Operant conditioning describes attachment as a reinforced response. When a baby gets food its discomfort will become happiness and the baby will associate this feeling with food and therefore food will become the primary reinforcer. The person feeding the baby will also be associated with the happiness and therefore become the secondary reinforcer and an attachment will form. (evaluate) Even though the learning theory of attachment provides an adequate explanation of attachment it is flawed. Research evidence, such as that of Harlows monkey study, opposes the idea of learning theory as an explanation of attachment. Harlows monkey study involved giving a baby monkey the choice of either food or comfort (food was portrayed by a wire monkey with a feeding bottle attached to it and comfort was portrayed by a wire monkey covered in cloth). According to the learning theory of attachment the monkey should have spent most of his time on the food monkey, however the opposite was true the monkey spent the majority of his time on the comfort monkey. This decreases the validity of the learning theory of attachment as an explanation for attachment because the findings of Harlows monkey study opposed what it suggested. However, the monkey study was conducted on monkeys and it could be argued that this is not an accurate representation of human attachment. Humans are a lot more c omplex than animals and so therefore research on animals to study behaviour cannot be applied to human behaviour. Outline and evaluate the learning theory of attachment (12 marks) A GRADE (outline)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

New Reproduction Technologies :: essays research papers

During the debate on March 15, 2000 which discussed new reproductive technologies (NRTS) issues were raised regarding the positive and negative effects of NRTS. Issues raised by the advocates of NRTS were surrounding infertility, homosexuality, disease, and cloning. All of these factors raised were concerning the moral rights of individuals who were unable to have children of their own without the help of NRTS. The debate continued by stating that denying individuals the right to utilize NRTS was immoral and in effect discriminated against them due to their “unfavorable'; situation. In contrast, the opposition against NRTS raised very negative concerns which included the commercialization of human reproduction, quality control, generating waste products, and the rights of the pre-embryo. These issues suggest that through NRTS children were being commodified and the rights of the pre-embryo were being ignored. The debate generally focused on the rights of the individual, man or woman, versus the rights of the unborn child. The debate was very interesting which led me to look at the impact of NRTS at another angle. After examining the issues raised in the debate I was left questioning why NRTS exist in the first place? Whose interest do they serve? Who won/lost and what was at stake? The reason I am focusing on these issues is because while I was reading the NRTS articles something stuck in my mind. In What Price Parenthood? Social and Ethical Aspects of Reproductive Technology by Paul Lauritzen there are some issues covered which seem to be left out of the class debate. The societal pressures to utilize NRTS once they are presented to an individual are overwhelming. Paul Lauritzen raises issues regarding the social aspects of NRTS that I had never considered. I have therefore decided to further research the social impacts of NRTS. My essay has two objectives: first I would like to prove that no one has the moral right to engage in NRTS, it follows under the freedom of choice but it is not the “ri ght'; of an individual. Second I will debate whether, due to societal influences, any individual actually “chooses'; NRTS or if they are coerced.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Rejecting the claim that it is an individual’s moral right to engage in NRTS is based on the definition of a moral right. A moral right is an opportunity to choose an option that is available to everyone else. To deny a person the right to engage in an activity that every other person can do is morally wrong.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Relationship Between International Law And Municipal Law

To know the relationship between International law and Municipal law, it is important to know what these to laws are. International law is the rules and conducts which deals with the conduct of states. To put into simpler terms, the international law is a set of rules in which the countries use in dealing with each other. The Municipal law is the internal law of the land. There are different theories that distinguish the difference of the two laws. The dualists or the pluralist theory states that international law and municipal law are different with each other in terms of their source, the relations they regulate, and their substance.Both of the laws differ in source because the international law came from treaties and customs grown among states while the municipal law is a product of local or domestic custom. They differ in the relations they regulate. How? The international law regulates the relationship of states with one another and is concerned with the external and foreign aff airs of the state while the municipal law regulates the relationship of individuals under the state and is concerned with the domestic affairs of the state. They also differ in their substance.The international law is a law between sovereign states while municipal law is the law of the sovereign over the individuals in the state. In this theory when a conflict arises as to whether what law should be used in dealing with an issue, the municipal law prevails. The dualists are positivists that biases greatly on state sovereignty. Next theory is the monistic theory or monism. In this theory, the international law and the municipal or domestic law are under one system of law. But there are two monistic theories that states what law should be used in settling disputes or the likes.One monistic theory has a stand that international law is superior to municipal law which is supported by Kelsen. It holds that international law is superior to municipal law because monistic theorists believe t hat international law can instill domestic order. Kelsen also believes that the international law encompasses every aspect of human life. Monistic theorists also see international law as a collective outcome of different local sovereigns. The other monistic theory believes that municipal law is superior to the international law

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Different School Models Essay

Private schools are independently run, do not to teach on the curriculum public schools use, and are funded through tuition, non public funds and religious organizations. Public schools are funded from state, local, and government funded. Total Population/ Demographics 260; approx. 60% African American 20% Caucasian 10% Hispanic 10% Asian American 400; approx. 50% African American 30% Hispanic 15% Caucasian 5% Asian American Basically enrollments in private schools are more middle and upper class. Public schools have a diverse enrollment. Student Teacher Ratio 1:19 1:32 (max) Again class numbers are low in private schools because only families that can afford to pay tuition. Public schools cannot deny any child from enrolling. Issues Faced Ensuring all Students Achieve their Potential Lack of Technology and (common core) textbooks Lack of motivation outside of school Funding to purchase updated materials are limited in private schools. Some Parents and guardians are interested in their child’s education. Addressing these Issues Use of an overhead projector, and online resources for educational materials related to common core standards Being a motivating factor in their individual success Private schools use what technology is available. Public schools have what technology is needed and is used on s daily basis. Public and private school teachers are motivators for students. Role of Technology Very limited Aids as a supplemental tool to advance student learning Again private schools use what is available. Having needed technology in public schools gives students the ability to advance. 21st Century Skills By observing the methods students use to communicate, socialize, and meet their daily needs. Students are more opted to use technology, and teamwork which will act as enrichment. Communicating with peers, students being able to use provided technology to help them advance. Role of Students Students determine the speed and depth of the deliverance of a lesson plan. Students’ progress also helps the teacher verify if the lesson was successful Student’s role is to learn and gain knowledge through being an independent learner. Assessing student’s progress to see if the skill was retained. Student’s roles don’t differ in schools. Students are to obtain knowledge and show they obtained the information received. Role of Teacher A teacher’s role is most effective with routine, and feedback. Teachers must provide various learning opportunities in the lessons, and repeatedly reintroduce the expectations and objectives of the lesson. Teachers set the attitude of their classrooms, build a welcoming environment, mentor and care for students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. Teachers provide consistency, stability and the information to help the students gain knowledge. Most Important Skills Taught Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Mathematics and Reading Comprehension Both teachers believe that basic fluency skills need to be taught There are major differences between public and private schools. One major difference is funding; Public schools get their financing from local, state, and federal government funds. Private schools depend on tuition payments and funds from nonpublic sources such as religious organizations, endowments, grants, and charitable donations. Another difference is enrollment numbers; public schools must accept all students who live within the borders of their districts. Unless it is a public school for children with special needs (i. e. gifted and talented) students have to be tested or enter into a lottery of some sort for the child to be accepted. Private schools are not obligated to accept every child that applies for admission. Private schools often choose between candidates based on ethnicity, religious back ground and financial status. From the interview I learned that the private school teacher I interviewed was not state certified. The teacher when she was hired had experience in working in an elementary school as a Para-educator and was in school working on her degree in Education. On the other hand public school teachers have to a degree in education and also are state certified. In most instances public school teachers are paid more than private school teachers, it actually depends on the school. Private school teachers maybe offered benefits such as a percentage off of tuition if the teachers own child is enrolled at the school (â€Å"Private vs. public,† 2013) . There’s a similar difference between curriculum development in private and public schools. Public schools must follow state procedures that set out certain standards and assessment procedures. This creates a certain amount of quality control. Private schools, on the other hand, can choose whatever curriculum and assessment model they wish. This freedom to design their own curriculum or avoid standardized tests can result in higher or lower standards for students. In public schools the parental support depends on the community of the school and how important the parent believes their child’s education is. Some people do not value their child’s education and send the children to school because it is a requirement. Private schools have tremendous parent support paying for education is a guarantee that parents will be involved, so they can see where their monies are being used for. Whether, public or private school parental involvement is important for academic growth and success of a child. Parental involvement is an issue for public schools. There are ways to try to get parents into the school, but they may not work. I don’t believe that a majority of the public schools parents do not care. It could be they do not have the flexibility in their job to leave, transportation, and if there is an event during the day at school parents are not allowed to bring younger siblings. Private schools have ample parent involvement because the parents make monetary investments in their child’s education; therefore they want to see where there money is going. Offer opportunities for students to bond with subjects in an array of meaningful ways through using supportive learning, appealing coursework, hands-on experiences, and other vigorous learning tactics. Gain knowledge of the students’ knowledge, notions, or false impressions by using pre-tests, and on paper or verbal lessons designed to inform a teacher of a students’ thoughts about an issue. Help students become more conscious by modeling the way you think as you are solving a problem, analyze the students work in front of the class. Teach skills, such as setting objectives, making predictions, and checking for constancy. Having students write in a journal or have students explain their process for solving the problem will help with metacognition. The benefits of public schools teachers have more qualifications; they may hold master degrees or have special training in a certain subject. In public schools students study core subjects and have access to the updated technology. Lastly, the population of public schools is more diverse. The benefits of private schools are; class sizes are small, parent involvement is strong and private schools do not have to comply with state standards so students are not stressed with having to take state standardized test.