Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Toyota's Marketing Strategy in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Toyota's Marketing Strategy in China - Essay Example Toyota was very optimistic that it would succeed in the Chinese market without a problem (Bremner & Roberts, 2006). But therein lay the problem. Toyota used the same marketing strategies that it had used in Japan to capture the Chinese market, which in the end did not work out so well for Toyota in China. Â  In retrospect, Toyota decided to then use the strategy it had used when entering and marketing in the United States and found that it had more success than it had when using the same strategies that it used in the Japanese market. There are quite a few reasons why the strategies used in Japan failed and why the strategies used in the United States worked well for the organization when entering, marketing and penetrating the Chinese market. Â  In this document, the author will look at the marketing strategies used by Toyota in the Japanese and United States markets. Then compare and contrast the two different strategies, analyze what worked in China and what didn't work and finally conclude why the strategy used in the United States worked for Toyota in China but the strategy used in Japan didn't work for it. Â  The Toyota auto company was founded during the World War II era in Aichi, Japan and since then has been a leader in the automotive industry in the country. During the war years, the organization is known to have manufactured trucks to keep the war effort in the country going. Â  Being a homespun company the organization had no difficulty in marketing, competing and penetrating the Japanese market and used many traditional methods of marketing at the inception and even today it uses a conventional marketing strategy when marketing in Japan in comparison to what it uses in the United States. Â  For one thing, the organization has always positioned its products as small, economical and of high quality in the market. Further, the organization is a local organization and did not have to battle with other international brands in a foreign country when marketing in its own country but marketed the product as one that was manufactured at home and created brand loyalty in that manner. Â  The organization sells its products through its dealerships that are manned by 40 - 50-year-olds and emphasizes on innovation and technology that is now becoming more and more green friendly. The high-end models like the Lexus are positioned as high-end luxury vehicles and don't need to be aggressively marketed because they don't face tough competition from the likes BMW or Mercedes Benz (Pollack, 1996). Â  Further the organization has been in existence as long as its chief competitor Honda and has overtaken the market in fuel efficiency thanks to some of its models like the Toyota Prius, which has been touted for its excellence in the hybrid car market, which has led only to the increase in customer confidence and loyalty for the Toyota brand in the Japanese car market with every passing decade. Â  

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Tuesdays with Morrie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Tuesdays with Morrie - Essay Example None of us has our death in vision. We know it is coming to come one day but for almost all of us, the day is quite far. Young people, like me, think of death only in the far future tense. We know it is going to come, but we assume that we will die of old age. I quite understand what Morrie means when he says that once we know how to die, we learn to live. When we see our death near, we begin to enjoy life; otherwise we take life for granted. Reading this lesson my Morrie, I remembered a time when I had a near brush with death during a car accident. Though I was able to survive without even a scratch, I was able to experience live. Instead of being scared or depressed, I was rejuvenated. The rest of the day, I began to feel light and bouncy. I felt alive as I was able to observe the smallest detail around me that I would otherwise ignore. I was able to observe the love in mother’s eyes and the concern in the way my father talked to me. But as days passed by, I became engrossed in my ordinary life and forgot the entire experience until I read the statement by Morris. I agree with it but it saddens me that we only live fully when we know that death is near. We continue to do this unconsciously and I do not think I would be able to control this. By this statement, Morris means the exact opposite of what we assume of this statement in the first analysis. When Morris says, learn to detach (Albom, 103), he does not go against his first principle of living life. On the contrary, one can only learn to detach when they have experienced an emotion or feeling fully. For instance, Morris has fully experienced what pain is. He can experience how he will die and because he knows the feeling, he can go against it in the opposite direction and detach himself. I again quite agree with Morris on this. Most of the times, we are afraid of certain things that we run away from them. People continue to hoard money knowing that they may never be able to spend