Saturday, December 28, 2019

Nursing Health History and Care Plan Free Essay Example, 4250 words

The client was breastfed purely during the first three months and on the fourth month, vegetable and fruit juices are slowly introduced with no known adverse reactions or allergies noted. The client, G, is a six month and 27 days old male with a height of 71.5 weight 8.5 and a physical development appropriate to his age. The mother of the client rates his child s health as 9/10 with chief complaints of a cough that worsens at night, difficulty in breathing, running nose, and audible wheeze. In one year, the mother of the client would want to fully develop and strengthen the immune system of her client. The mother of the client stated that her child s immunizations are up to date. Client s mother states that she visits the GP when she feels the child is unwell. On the other hand, she admitted that she and the father of the child smoke 5 -10 sticks of tobacco per day making the child exposed to tobacco smoke while the parents are at home. The client is lying with his upper torso eleva ted in bed. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing Health History and Care Plan or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The skin is pink and noncyanotic. The texture of the skin is soft with no apparent lesions. No swelling or edema noted.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Kingdom Of Heaven And Jesus s Mission On Earth

One dominant study from the New Testament has been The Kingdom of Heaven as it is believed to be the central theme within the novel and Jesus’s mission on earth. The phrase ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ is supposed to be the Kingdom of God, in which those who are spiritual believe in his existence in their hearts leaving this ‘kingdom’ as the place where God is unfolding his divine plans (Walvoord, 2015). Christians believe that God is the creator of all things and sovereign over the universe however the Islamic faith believe that God sent prophets to teach his laws and one was Muhammad. Christian texts represent the concept of the Kingdom of Heaven to be the exercise of God’s power and dominion. The Christian faith in contrast to Islamic beliefs, ow sacred texts are interpreted with parables, how they represent beliefs and how religious founders taught will be discussed throughout this essay. The Bible is a sacred texts to religions such as Christianity, it not only holds stories and rules or expectations to follow but hidden messages from God about the Kingdom of Heaven. The Parable of the Sower represents four different ways the word of God from the Kingdom of Heaven can be interpreted by evaluating the condition of four types of hearts from humanity. Jesus explained to the people that a farmer had gone out to sow his seeds. Referring to Matthew 13 versus 4-6, explains the first two kinds of people. â€Å"As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came andShow MoreRelatedThe Kingdom Of God : Central Message Of Jesus1283 Words   |  6 PagesThe kingdom of God was the central message of Jesus. The term â€Å"kingdom of God† is used very frequently throughout the gospels. For example: â€Å"The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news† Mark 1:14-15. In reply Jesus declared, â⠂¬Å"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.† â€Å"How can a man be born when he is old?† Nicodemus asked. â€Å"Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother s womb to be born!† Jesus answeredRead MoreChristian Church And The Mormon Church1326 Words   |  6 PagesAlthough The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS or Mormon Church) considers itself unequivocally as a Christian church, there are number major differences between traditional or mainstream Christians and the Mormon Church. This research paper primarily focuses on identifying major areas of differences between the mainstream branches of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant - as a group) and the Mormon Church. Origin Christianity traces its origin to Jerusalem in approximatelyRead MoreThe God Is Blessed By God1313 Words   |  6 PagesGod has in store for us the believers. So what does it really mean to be blessed by God? Let s start by remembering how God blessed Abraham. The story of Abraham is one of the most powerful stories of faith ever. Thousands of years have passed and his testimony still changes and has an impact on so many people. God literally asked Abraham to leave everything behind; his country, people and his father s household and go to a new land, completely unfamiliar to him. Abraham, without knowing where heRead MoreThe Holy And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ995 Words   |  4 Pagespurpose to the Church who, like a bride, awaits her groom. The eschatological reality of the coming Kingdom of God, inaugurated in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, presently breaks forth to forms the Church for its mission. 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This suggests that everything He does is a mirror of the Father. His revelation of the Father through His prayer can be described as reaching down into depths beyond words (Jesus of Nazareth reading). These prayers tell the following about the Father: (1) He is a real presenceRead MoreMission Theology Of The Bible1203 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstand â€Å"Mission Theology† we first have separate the two words. Mission is the vocation or calling of a religion organization, especially a Christian one, to go out into the world and spread its faith (Oxford Dictionaries). Theology is the study of God or the study of the nature of God and the relationship between the human and divine. In the textbook we use for class which is called â€Å"Introducing World Missions† we are told that the word â€Å"missions† (which ending with the letter â€Å"s†) is the wordRead MoreN Africa Block Of Islam1405 Words   |  6 Pagespublished strategies as it relates to the Kanuri community, in the Chad region with the message of Jesus. The Kanuri has been neglected mostly in part to the being not able to reach them. The lack of these people should be unsetting to all that believe in doing mission work, It seem that someone within the last thousand years could have evangelize this community. Keep in mind Jesus died for all people, and it s because of this those that are redeem must at all cost we must reach them. This I have made

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program

Question: Discuss about the Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program. Answer: Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP) is an initiative by New York state aimed at providing Medicaid waiver for over five years amounting to $8 billion. The program has many underlying benefits; however, its core objective involved reducing avoidable hospitalization as well as restructuring the healthcare delivery system. According to research, the program was prompted by the need to improve health of the population as well as enhancing positive outcomes among patients. The program represents one of many initiatives that represents the government's efforts to expand and improve quality and cost of care. DSRIP has four main domains that focuses on the clinical and residents health improvement overtime (Schoenberg, M., Heider Rosenthal, Schwartz Kaye, 2015). DSRIP has key objectives of promoting the collaboration of different professionals in addressing healthcare problems as well s reducing the scope and complexity set by the costs of accessing quality healthcare. Domain 3 and 4 provides critical focus area since they touch on projects involving the people. For example, Domain 3 involves clinical improvement projects that incorporates aspects such as primary care and behavioral health services. Domain 3 also includes the provision of evidence-based strategies for disease management primarily in risky areas. Hence domain 3 improves primary care services and reduces the chances of diseases occurrence as it emphasizes on the use of evidence-based strategies for disease management (New York State Department of Health2015). It can also provide the ability to assist others in affected or risk areas. Domain 4 includes the population-wide projects which improves the individual mental health and drug abuse across systems or populations affected. It also promotes a reduction in tobacco use among minority populations and individuals with mental health problems. Domain 4 has been effective in promoting mental health and preventive substances abuse through enhancing the mental, emotional and well being. Its application is also critical to be used in reducing or preventing preventive chronic disease. References New York State Department of Health (2015). DSRIP Domain 4 and the Prevention Agenda. A reference guide for DSRIP Domain 4 projects implementation planning. New York State Department of Health. Retrieved from 06-08_final.pdf Schoenberg, M., Heider, F., Rosenthal, J., Schwartz, C., Kaye, N. (2015). State experiences designing and implementing medicaid delivery system reform incentive payment (DSRIP) pools. Retrieved from DSRIp Pools.pdf

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Organizational Values Hulu - Netflix and Amazon

Question: Describe about Hulu, Netflix and Amazon (Prime). Answer: Hulu, Netflix and Amazon (Prime) are the digital streaming media services which aim to provide convenient and affordable entertainment. However, these companies portray certain unique organizational values as well. Netflix abides by nine core values, which include communication, judgment, courage, impact, innovation, curiosity, honesty, passion and selflessness. For example, an innovative tool recently developed by Netflix known as FAST, which helps in determining the speed of the internet and enables faster streaming of videos ("Which Video Streaming Service Is Best for You?", 2016). Hulu prioritizes their viewers, values big thinking, adopts better ways, believes in unity, embraces fun and values character. They also aim to connect and captivate people by redefining and creating stunning television viewing experiences. It is the only streaming service which provides current season content for its viewers from five largest broadcast networks of the United States. Amazon prime strives to establish themselves as the most customer centric company. They have achieved considerable success by facilitating a monthly subscription at a reasonable rate for its prime customers, which offers free videos and rentals with just one click, in contrast to Netflix, which charges for providing high quality movies ("Netflix vs Amazon Prime vs Now TV: Best streaming service of 2016", 2016). References Netflix vs Amazon Prime vs Now TV: Best streaming service of 2016. (2016). The Week UK. Retrieved 22 July 2016, from Which Video Streaming Service Is Best for You?. (2016). PCMAG. Retrieved 22 July 2016, from,2817,2489103,00.asp